Wood's Will Be Done - Quest Guide

After you rescue Biggs and Wedge and the Tiny Bronco from Imperial scouts, you return to the Adders' Nest for your induction into the Grand Company.


This quest is available if you have completed the quest The Company You Keep (Twin Adder).

Starting the Quest

Talk to the Serpent Personnel Officer in the Adders' Nest west of the Gridania Aetheryte Plaza to start the quest. There will be a cutscene. You can respond however you wish.

Speak with the Scion

Use a Vesper Bay Aetheryte Ticket (which you received after completing the quest The Scions of the Seventh Dawn) to return to Vesper Bay. Go into the Waking Sands and talk to the Scion of the Seventh dawn. There will be a cutscene.

Get Your Chocobo

If you haven't already, go to Gridania and go west from the Gridania Aetheryte Plaza to the Adders' Nest and talk to Vorsaile Heuloix to start the quest My Little Chocobo (Twin Adder). Now that you have completed "Wood's Will Be Done", you have enough Serpent Seals to complete the chocobo quest. (See the quest page for the walkthrough.)

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Minfilia to accept the next quest: Sylph-management. There will be a cutscene.