How to Unlock the Moogle Allied Society

This page explains how to unlock Moogle Allied Society quests. The Moogle Allied Society is a society in Heavensward that provides crafting EXP and exclusive rewards.

Moogle Allied Society Requirements

To unlock the Moogle Allied Society, you must complete the level 56 Heavensward Main Scenario Quest He Who Would Not Be Denied, and also unlock flying in the Churning Mists.

In addition, there is a series of sidequests that you have to complete. Their locations are displayed on the maps below, and the individual quests are listed below the maps.

Unlock Quest Map

A map of the first quest locations to unlock the Moogle Allied Society in Final Fantasy XIV.
A map of the second quest locations to unlock the Moogle Allied Society in Final Fantasy XIV.

List of Quests to Unlock the Moogle Allied Society

# Quest Name Quest Zone Quest Giver and Location
A Pebble for Your Thoughts The Churning Mists Mogleo - Moghome ( X: 29.7 Y: 35.3 )
Spineless Wadjets The Churning Mists Mogleo - Asah ( X: 21.0 Y: 25.8 )
Far From Home The Churning Mists Mogleo - Zenith ( X: 10.0 Y: 29.2 )
A Nutty Initiation The Churning Mists Mogleo - Landlord Colony, north of Moghome ( X: 31.6 Y: 24.7 )
Protecting the Pom The Churning Mists Mogloo - Moghome ( X: 30.1 Y: 36.3 )
Save the Pomguard The Churning Mists Mogkul - Asah ( X: 20.4 Y: 26.2 )
An Urgent Message The Churning Mists Mogkul - Zenith ( X: 8.6 Y: 27.9 )
A Moogle's Intuition The Churning Mists Mogok - Zenith ( X: 7.6 Y: 28.9 )
An Uneasy Feeling The Churning Mists Mogga - Zenith ( X: 9.3 Y: 25.9 )
Trouble at Zenith The Churning Mists Mogkul - Zenith ( X: 8.6 Y: 27.9 )
Into the Mists Ishgard Unflinching Temple Knight - The Last Vigil, The Pillars ( X: 11.4 Y: 11.0 )
Bitter is the Night The Churning Mists Maenne - The Rookery ( X: 22.8 Y: 16.2 )
Cleaning House The Churning Mists Maenne - The Rookery ( X: 22.8 Y: 16.2 )
Finders Keepers The Churning Mists Northeastern Scouting Party Dragoon - Easton Eyes ( X: 29.1 Y: 12.9 )
These Things Take Time The Churning Mists Maenne - The Rookery ( X: 22.8 Y: 16.2 )
An Unwelcome Surprise The Churning Mists Southern Scouting Party Dragoon - Sothton Walls ( X: 7.4 Y: 19.1 )
A Meter Too Far The Churning Mists Northern Scouting Party Dragoon - Ohl Tahn ( X: 11.4 Y: 9.0 )
Thar Be Dragons The Churning Mists Maenne - The Rookery ( X: 22.8 Y: 16.2 )
Laying the First Brick The Churning Mists Maenne - The Rookery ( X: 22.8 Y: 16.2 )
Tricks and Stones The Churning Mists Seething Stonemason - Moghome ( X: 27.2 Y: 34.5 )