Sense of Urgency - Quest Guide

Marielle asks you to instill some fighting spirit into Camp Cloudtop's sentries.


This quest is available if you have completed the quest Meeting the Neighbors.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Marielle in the Sea of Clouds to begin the quest.

Find Sentries and /psych them Up

Go north down the rope net, then turn left and go counter-clockwise around the buildings. Go east to the quest icon on the map to find Honoroit and Emmanellain. Dismount and target Emmanellain and type /psych or /psych motion (the second one will not display a chat message).

Go west, then north to the quest icon, where you will find a House Haillenarte Knight. Dismount and target him and type /psych or /psych motion (the second one will not display a chat message).

Go southeast to the final quest icon, where you will find another House Haillenarte Knight. Dismount and target him and type /psych or /psych motion (the second one will not display a chat message).

Report to Marielle

Go southwest and go up the rope net, then go to the quest icon and talk to Marielle to complete the quest.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Marielle to accept the next quest: Hope Springs Eternal.