On the Properties of Primals - Quest Guide

Raya-O-Senna asks you to return to Gridania and report to Kan-E at the Lotus Stand.


This quest is available if you have completed the quest You Have Selected Regicide.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Raya-O-Senna in Camp Tranquil in the South Shroud to begin the quest.

Speak with Kan-E-Senna

Go to Gridania and use an aetheryte to go to the Conjurers' Guild. Talk to the Silent Conjurer there to enter the Lotus Stand. Go northwest and talk to Kan-E-Senna. There will be a cutscene.

Report to Minfilia

Use a Vesper Bay Aetheryte Ticket (which you received after completing the quest The Black Wolf's Ultimatum) to return to Vesper Bay. Go into the northwest building and go downstairs to enter the Waking Sands, then go east to the Solar and talk to Minfilia to complete the quest.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Minfilia to accept the next quest: The Gifted.