Liberty or Death - Quest Guide

Raubahn has led you to the small village of Coldhearth in The Peaks.


This quest is available if you have completed the quest Raubahn's Invitation.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Raubahn in The Peaks to begin the quest. There will be a cutscene.

Speak with Raubahn

Talk to Raubahn to proceed.

Speak with Lyse

Talk to Lyse to proceed.

Follow Lyse

Go northwest to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Talk to Lyse to proceed.

Look Out for Suspicious Individuals

Go northwest to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Go to the north edge of the orange circle and check on the Suspicious Youth. Defeat the three Attackers.

Rendezvous with Lyse

Go east to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Talk to Lyse to proceed.

Speak with M'naago

Go northwest to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Talk to M'naago to complete the quest. There will be a cutscene.

Unlock Flying in The Peaks

"Liberty or Death" is the final quest for unlocking Aether Currents in The Peaks. If you have completed the other Aether Current quests and attuned to the Aether Currents in the field in this area (which you can find using the Aether Compass in Main Menu > Duty > Collection in this area) you will be able to fly in The Peaks.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Lyse to accept the next quest: The Lady in Red.