A Taste of Honey - Quest Guide

You bring the bonded attendant back to his patron, but the maiden appears to be concerned about something.


This quest is available if you have completed the quest Free to Sightsee.

Starting the Quest

Talk to the Amiable Maiden in the upper level of Eulmore to begin the quest.

Speak with Tista-Bie

Go northeast to the archway and go through, then go clockwise around the walkway until you can go through the white double doors on the left. Go to the quest icon and talk to Tista-Bie.

Win a Game Against Tista-Bie

If you wish, you can use the High or Low Helper below to tell you the probability of each choice based on which cards are revealed.

You can ask Tista-Bie for the rules of the game, which are as follows:

"High or Low" is a guessing game. You must decide whether the total of your three cards is higher or lower than the total of your opponent's cards.

The deck holds nine cards, with the pictures printed thereon representing the numbers one through nine. each number appears only once in the deck, so there are no repeats.

You will each be dealt three cards, and Tista-Bie will reveal two of her cards, while you reveal only one of your cards. You will then be asked if you think that the total of your three cards will be higher or lower than the total of her three cards. After you make your guess, all of the cards will be revealed. If you guessed correctly, you will win. If not, you have to play again until you win.

High or Low Helper

Opponent's cards:
Your cards:

Probability of "low": %

Probability of "high": %

Win Another Game Against Tista-Bie

Talk to Tista-Bie to play another game of High or Low. If you guess correctly, you will win. If not, you have to play again until you win.

Speak with Atharn

Go to the quest icon on the map and talk to Atharn.

/dance on the Mark on Stage

There are two spiral staircases near by that each go up to a raised platform. Go up either of these staircases and stand in the glowing spot at the top, and type /dance or /dance motion (the second one will not display a chat message).

Speak with Atharn Again

Go to the quest icon and talk to Atharn again.

Speak with Dulia-Chai

Go northwest, then southwest and through the double doors to leave the Beehive. Then go clockwise to the dining area. Go to the quest icon on the map and talk to Dulia-Chai to complete the quest. There will be a cutscene.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Alphinaud to accept the next quest: A Blessed Instrument.