A Blessed Instrument - Quest Guide

You have gathered information in Eulmore and Alphinaud has a new outfit thanks to Dulia-Chai.


This quest is available if you have completed the quest A Taste of Honey.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Alphinaud in Eulmore to begin the quest.

Gather Information in the Understory

Go north from the Aetheryte and there will be a staircase to the left. Go down the stairs until you are at the southwest part of the orange circle, and go northeast through the archway. Make your way clockwise around the area and attune to the Aethernet Shard that you go past. Then continue going clockwise down the stairs. At the bottom, go to the west side of the area and enter the jail cell. Talk to the Weeping Warbler.

Deliver the List

Use the nearby Aethernet Shard. If you attuned to the Nightsoil Pots already, go there. If not, go to The Glory Gate if you attuned to it. Otherwise, you will have to go up the stairs to reach the stone staircase and go counterclockwise until you reach the lowest level, then go north to the outside, and be sure to attune to the nearby Aethernet Shard. From there, make your way counterclockwise around the area to reach the quest icon.

Attune to the Aethernet Shard near Thoarich if you haven't done so, and talk to Thoarich to hand over the Singer's Symptoms and the Meol Chunk.

Speak with the Weeping Warbler

Use the nearby Aethernet Shard to go to the Mainstay, or if you did not attune to the Aethernet Shard there, go clockwise around the area, attune to the Aethernet Shard at the north end of the area if you have not already done so, and go south through the door, then turn left and go up the stone stairs until you are at the southwest of the area and can go northeast through the archway. Make your way clockwise around the area and attune to the Aethernet Shard that you go past.

Go down the stairs from the Aethernet Shard and go to the west side of the room, and go into the jail cell and talk to the Weeping Warbler. There will be a cutscene. This one is important, so it is recommended to watch it either now or via the Unending Journey in an inn room.

Report to Alphinaud

Go up the stairs until you reach the top, and go through the archway there, then go up the stairs to the Aetheryte Plaza. Go southeast from the Aetheryte and talk to Alphinaud to complete the quest.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Alphinaud to accept the next quest: Emergent Splendor. There will be a cutscene.