Wise Guides - Quest Guide

This page explains how to complete the level 88 Endwalker quest "Wise Guides".


This quest is available if you have completed the quest No Job Too Small.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Urianger in Labyrinthos to begin the quest.

Speak with Singingway

Go east to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap and talk to Singingway.

Head to the Designated Location

Check on the sparkling Destination to proceed. Zoom in and move the crosshairs over the blue cylinders. Follow the on-screen instructions to Execute Observe.

Zoom in and move the crosshairs over the metallic tube to the right of the blue cylinders. Follow the on-screen instructions to Execute Observe.

Zoom in and move the crosshairs over the mushroom-like thing to the right of the metallic tube. Follow the on-screen instructions to Execute Observe.

After you have examined all three, there will be a cutscene.

Survey the Designated Location

Go southeast, then south to the quest icon on the map. Check on the Destination and defeat the Burning Anala that attacks.

Speak with Growingway

Go to the quest icon and speak with Growingway to proceed.

Speak with Urianger

Go southeast through the archway in the wall, then go southwest to the quest icon. Talk to Urianger to proceed.

Speak with Singingway Again

Go east up the stairs and talk to Vadeloison, and say Yes to proceed. Then talk to Singingway to complete the quest.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Cookingway to accept the next quest: Agriculture Shock.