On Low Tide - Quest Guide

Thancred asks you to gather information at the pier in Yedlihmad.


This quest is available if you have completed the quest For Thavnair Bound.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Thancred in Thavnair to begin the quest.

Gather Information

Go south to the orange circle in the minimap. Talk to Qefiraz at the northwest edge of the circle. Check on the Crate of Fruit near the north edge of the circle. Check on the Pier at the south edge of the circle. Talk to Djinaleel at the southeast edge of the circle.

Speak with Khalzahl

Go northeast to the quest icon in the minimap and talk to Khalzahl. There will be a cutscene.

Speak with Matsya

Go outside and go southwest to the quest icon in the minimap. Talk to Matsya to complete the quest.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Matsya to accept the next quest: A Fisherman's Friend.