Free Trade - Quest Guide

You have arrived in western Amh Araeng and head to the nearby village.


This quest is available if you have completed the quest The Best Way Out.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Thancred in western Amh Araeng (accessible from southeastern Lakeland) to begin the quest.

Seek Out a Talkative Local

Go down the slope until you can go south to the orange circle on the map (near the Settlement icon on the map). Talk to Zhun Zun to proceed. There will be a cutscene.

Question the Mord of Garik

Go to the northeast edge of the orange circle on the map and talk to Rhil Ril.

Enter the house in the southeast part of the orange circle and talk to Shul Sul.

Go outside and go to the southwest part of the orange circle on the map. Talk to Ghon Gon.

Speak with Thancred

Go to the quest icon and talk to Thancred to hand over the Note Concerning the Gondola, the Note Concerning the Trolley, and the Note Concerning Airships and complete the quest. You can choose whichever response you wish, but the correct answer is .

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, go to the quest icon and talk to Zhun Zun to accept the next quest: The Trolley Problem. There will be a cutscene.