Faded Memories - Quest Guide

This page explains how to complete the level 80 post-Shadowbringers quest "Faded Memories".


This quest is available if you have completed the quest Food for the Soul.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Thancred to begin the quest. There will be a cutscene.

Talk to the Idle Shipwright

Teleport to Wright in Kholusia and go southwest to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Talk to the Idle Shipwright and say Yes. There will be a cutscene.

Enter the Aetherial Stream

Check on the Aetherial Stream to proceed. there will be a cutscene, and then a solo duty will ensue.

Solo Duty: Faded Memories

Part 1

When you are able to move, go northwest toward the Aetheryte.

Defeat first, then the rest. Afterward, go to the quest icon and talk to Elidibus.

Defeat the next two groups of enemies in any order. Afterward, go to the quest icon and talk to Elidibus.

After the wall disappears, go south and up the stairs. Defeat the Sers first, then Thordan. Afterward, go southeast.

Defeat the next set of enemies in any order, being careful to avoid the expanding ring of circle attack markers. Afterward, go southwest.

When facing the next enemy, avoid the series of circle attacks that follow you, and the series of line attacks. Afterward, go southwest to the quest icon and talk to Elidibus. Go southwest to proceed. Defeat the next set of enemies in any order. Be careful to dodge the line attacks. In the next pair of enemies, be careful to avoid the circle attack and large number of line attacks originating from them.

Next, attack the Storm, the Swell, and the Ame-no-Habakiri while dodging circle attacks. Afterward, go to the quest icon and talk to Elidibus to proceed. There will be a cutscene.

Part 2

Overcome is a cone attack from the front of the boss.

Skydrive is a circle attack centered on the boss.

The boss will go to the center of the area and cast Overcome All Odds, creating a sequential series of cone attacks.

Soul's Release is a continuous, unavoidable attack.

Sky-High Drive is a rotating line attack.

Avalanche Axe places groups of large circle attacks in the area.

Soulflash is a high-damage attack.

Circle attack markers will appear and do repeated attacks.

Lands of Old is a high-damage attack.

Groundbreaker places alternating directional circle indicators along an edge of the area. Stand in front of one of the second group of circle indicators, then when an attack from the first group goes past, walk behind it. At the same time, the boss will jump to a side of the area and perform a long cone attack.

After that, the boss will cast Groundbreaker again, this time doing a donut attack, where the only safe area is near the boss.

The next Groundbreaker will be a circle attack centered on the boss.

Speak with Y'shtola

Talk to Y'shtola to complete the quest. There will be a cutscene.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, check on the Peculiar Crystal to accept the next quest: Etched in the Stars. There will be a cutscene.