A Sleep Disturbed - Quest Guide

This page explains how to complete the level 80 post-Shadowbringers quest "A Sleep Disturbed".


This quest is available if you have completed the quest Facing the Truth.

Starting the Quest

Talk to the Crystal Exarch in the Ocular in the Crystarium to begin the quest. There will be a cutscene.

Speak with Almet at Fanow in Rak'tika

Teleport to Fanow in the Rak'tika Greatwood. Go to the quest icon and talk to Almet to proceed. There will be a cutscene.

Speak with Almet

Go northeast to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. There will be a glow around Almet, indicating a solo duty. Check on her and there will be several cutscenes, and then the duty will ensue.

Solo Duty: A Sleep Disturbed

Part 1

The first riddle is: "Deft of paw, with kin do I vie. Though sought apart, betterment of the whole do our efforts descry."
The choices for the first riddle are
Coeurl Statue, Colibri Statue, and Opo-opo Statue. To answer the first riddle correctly, check on the If you get the wrong answer, one of the cards will disappear. If you get the right answer, one of your allies will be returned to you.

The second riddle is: "With fearsome fang, I travel with pack. Together we find harmony, and thus for peace our land does not lack."
The choices for the second riddle are
Serpent Statue, Wolf Statue, and Owl Statue. To answer the second riddle correctly, check on the If you get the wrong answer, one of the cards will disappear. If you get the right answer, one of your allies will be returned to you.

The third riddle is: "On my belly do I crawl. By my strength does prosperity reign within our hall."
The choices for the third riddle are
Serpent Statue, Wolf Statue, and Opo-opo Statue. To answer the third riddle correctly, check on the If you get the wrong answer, one of the cards will disappear. If you get the right answer, one of your allies will be returned to you.

After this, Ronkan Talismans will appear. Stand to the north of a Talisman (so that you are facing the monster), then check on it to reveal its image. (If you stand to the south of a Talisman when you turn it, you will only see its back design and not its face.) After you reveal one card, check on another. If the cards do not match, you need to remember what was on each one. If they do match, they will disappear. If any cards have red symbols on them, try to avoid matching them, because if you do, a monster will attack. If you match cards that have pictures of one of your allies on them, that ally will be returned to you.

Part 2

After all four allies are returned to you, you must defeat the Huaca.

The Touch of Shadow damages all players.

The Marrow of Flame marks all players with circle attack markers that follow them. Players should spread apart from each other to avoid overlapping each other with their circles.

The Grace of Calamity targets a random player with a stack marker. Unmarked players should stack together with the marked player to reduce the damage of the attack.

Summon creates untargetable cubes in the corners.

Time Afar pulls you into the middle of the area and traps you there. When you are free again, resume your attacks on the Huaca.

The next time the boss casts Time Afar, one of your allies will be trapped in the middle. One of the cube tethers will look different. Stand between the trapped ally and the tether, and move the tether so it is pointing away from the others.

The Sound of Heat is a cone attack from the front of the boss.

The Deceit of Pain creates three large circle attack markers in the corners. Go to the unmarked corner to avoid it.

Animate fills the room with poison, inflicting Poison status on you that can't be removed with Esuna. Enter the glowing shield around Cymet to remove the poison.

Ignore the Cubus Huaca that appear and continue to focus on the Huaca, even when more Cubus Huacas appear.

The Balm of Disgrace is a circle attack centered on the boss.

When the boss uses The Deceit of Pain this time, it creates a circle attack that covers the protective shield. Exit the shield temporarily to avoid this attack.

After you defeat the Huaca, stand on the glowing tile to exit the area and complete the duty. There will be a cutscene.

Speak with Almet

Talk to Almet to complete the quest.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Y'shtola to accept the next quest: An Old Friend.