Storm's Crown - Trial Guide

This page explains how to complete the level 90 post-Endwalker duty, Storm's Crown.

How to Unlock

Storm's Crown, an 8-player trial, is unlocked by the level 90 Main Scenario Quest The Wind Rises.

Phase 1

Void Aero IV damages all players.

Savage Barbery will place a curved arrow indicator from the boss to a location on the floor, and will also display an arcing blade indicator above the boss. There will be a line attack across the area, as wide as the boss's target ring, in the direction indicated by the blades above the boss's head, and then there will be a circle attack centered on the location that the curved arrow pointed to.

When the boss casts Hair Raid, she will place her sword near the edge of the area. She will soon rush to her sword and turn around and perform a very large cone attack in the direction that she is facing, so to avoid the attack, go to the sword and stand at the edge of the area to the left or right of the sword.

Void Aero III targets a random tank with a dual stack marker. The other tank should stack together with the marked tank. This is a high-damage attack, so all other players should avoid standing in the stack marker.

The boss will cast Savage Barbery, but this time she will have a spinning blade indicator around herself in addition to the curved arrow indicator. Instead of a line attack, there will be a donut attack where the only safe area is under the boss, and players will need to stay on the far side of the safe area away from where the curved arrow was pointing to avoid the circle attack that will occur there.

Teasing Tangles will place four circle attack markers on the floor. Cones of hair will appear where each circle attack was. Players will be tangled in strands of hair originating from the cones, and will not be able to leave the circle around their respective areas. Don't try to go past the edge of the circle, or the hair will pull you back. You can otherwise move freely (but slowly) while you are trapped by the hair.

Secret Breeze is a set of cone attack markers originating from the boss, followed by another set of cone attacks that partly overlap the first. Move to the safe area between the first set of cone attacks, then when the first set of cone attacks is gone, move to where they used to be so you can avoid the second set of cone attacks.

Deadly Twist targets a random player with a stack marker. Unmarked players should stack together with the marked player to reduce the damage of the attack.

Hair Spray marks all players with circle attack markers that follow them. Players should spread apart from each other to avoid overlapping each other with their circles. At the same time, you need to move behind the sword that the boss has placed at an edge of the area while keeping your distance from other players' circles.

Void Aero places circle attack markers under players.

Curling Iron is a high damage attack on all players that knocks players away from the center. It signals the beginning of the second phase.

Phase 2

Brutal Gust will target random players with line attack markers.

The boss will have a red circle marker centered on herself, with wavy line attack markers extending outward from the center. Avoid standing on these attack markers. The wavy lines will create untargetable copies of the boss around the edge that will cast alternating patterns of line attacks. Avoid the first set of line attacks, then move if necessary to avoid the second set of line attacks. The boss will then have another red circle attack marker centered on herself, with wavy line attack markers extending outward from the center. Avoid standing on these attack markers. The copies of the boss will disappear when these attacks occur.

Boulder Marker targets a random player with a very large circle attack marker. The boss will target another random player with a stack marker. Unmarked players should stack together with the marked player to reduce the damage of the attack. This is soon followed by Boulder Break, a high-damage attack that targets both of the two players highest in the enmity list. Each of the Boulder Break attacks also includes a circle attack marker that follows each targeted player, so other players should avoid standing near the targeted players.

Knuckle Drum is a repeated attack that damages all players.

Bold Boulder targets a random player with a stack marker, and targets a random tank with a spreading marker. The tank with the spreading marker should move to the opposite side of the area from the player with the stack marker, and unmarked players should stack together with the player who has the stack marker to reduce the damage of the attack. The closer a player is to the player with the spreading marker, the more damage the player will take when the attack occurs.

Before the spread attack and stack attack finish casting, the boss will also place a circle attack marker beneath her. Move as far away from the boss at you can at this time, because it is followed by Tousle Tornadoes: circular whirlwinds that slowly move outward away from the boss. Don't allow the whirlwinds to hit you, or you will be knocked into the air and be inflicted Vulnerabily Up status.

While the whirlwinds are moving through the area, the boss will cast Tornado Chain, placing a large circle attack marker around herself, followed by a donut attack marker around the circle. Stand on the donut marker until the circle attack marker disappears, then move into the safe area where the circle was. Toward the end of this attack, the boss will cast Hair Spray, which marks all players with circle attack markers that follow them. Players should spread apart from each other to avoid overlapping each other with their circles.

Touchdown will place a knockback marker at an edge of the area. Move toward it without touching the edge of the circle that you are trapped in, or you will be pulled toward the center of your circle and may be more likely to get knocked into the damaging outer ring from there. Alternatively, you can use a knockback-prevention move.

Completing the Quest

Defeating the boss will complete one of the quest objectives for the Main Scenario Quest The Wind Rises.