The Popla Foothills Skyview Tower overlooks the West Necluda region.

Tower Location
Popla Foothills Skyview Tower is located at 0602, -2119, 0098, which is southeast of Hyrule Field.
Fix the Tower
When you reach the tower and go in, you find that the terminal is not working. To fix it, you can go into the nearby well: Popla Foothills North Well. After you go in and talk to Elmerson, use Ascend and go south to find a cave entrance into Popla Foothills Excavation Site, where you can step on the switch to free Elmerson.
Map the Region
After you free Elmerson, use Ascend to go back up to the tower. Open the door and examine the terminal to activate the teleport location here. Then step onto the glowing spot in the tower and examine it to be launched upward and map the region.