Felicia's Favorite Gifts and Special Encounters

Felicia was added in the Expansion Pass and can be met at Windswept Falls.

Felicia's Favorite Gifts

BirthdaySpring 21
Favorite Gifts Borscht, Fruit Perfume, Gazpacho, Pescatore, Sashimi Bowl, Tom Yum Goong, Unaju
Loved Gifts Apple Jam, Apple Juice, Banana Jam, Boiled Sweet Potatoes, Boiled Vegetables, Bouquet Perfume, Bread, Butter, Caffè Mocha, Candied Sweet Potatoes, Carbonara, Charming Perfume, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Cheesecake, Cherry Jam, Chestnut Rice, Chili Shrimp, Chocolate Cake, Clam Chowder, Cocoa, Cocoa Powder, Coconut Jam, Coconut Juice, Coffee, Coffee Powder, Coffee Pudding, Cornbread, Cream Sauce Pasta, Curry Rice, Floral Perfume, French Toast, Fried Egg, Fruitcake, Genovese Pasta, Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Gratin, Green Potage, Grilled Fish, Herb Tea, Honey Lemon Juice, Honey Pudding, Honeyed Sweet Potatoes, Jewelry Locket, Jewelry Ring, Kitsune Udon, Lemon Jam, Mango Jam, Mango Juice, Mayonnaise, Melon Jam, Mixed Herbs, Mixed Rice, Mixed Spices, Mont Blanc, Mushroom Pie, Neapolitan Pasta, Omelet, Onigiri, Onion Soup, Orange Juice, Orange Marmalade, Pancakes, Peach Jam, Peperoncino Pasta, Pineapple Jam, Pizza, Pot-au-feu, Pudding, Quiche, Shortcake, Silkie Egg +, Stew, Strawberry Jam, Tiramisu, Tomato Juice, Watermelon Jam, Yellow Potage, Yogurt, Yogurt Drink
Liked Gifts Acqua Pazza, Blazing Waltz, Boiled Fish, Boo Paht Pong Karee, Bouillabaisse, Chuka Soba, Earth Concerto, Egg Sandwich, Fashionable Bracelet, Fried Tuna Cutlet, Grilled Gar, Halibut al Cartoccio, Honey Milk Cocoa, Honey Milk Latte, Hot Pot, Injeolmi Toast, Jam Sandwich, Kinpira Gobo, Mala Crayfish, Marlin Sushi, Matsutake Rice, Mixed Soup, Moonlight Nocturne, Mushroom Cabbage Rolls, Oarfish Soup, Okra Curry, Rainbow Bouquet, Sea Bream Sashimi, Seafood Cataplana, Seafood Pilaf Platter, Shellfish Soup, Shiny Watch, Shrimp Toast, Springtime March, Tempura, Tuna Sandwich, Vegetable Pizza, Vegetable Sandwich, Winter Bloom Rondo

Felicia's Special Encounters

Felicia's first special encounter occurs when you have 1 ♥ of friendship with her. Go into her house at Windswept Falls between 8AM - 5:59PM in Clear, Rain, or Snow weather to see this special encounter. After that, her special encounters from 2 ♥ through 5 ♥ all occur outdoors at Windswept Falls between 8AM - 5:59PM in Clear, Rain, or Snow weather, so be sure to go there each time another of Felicia's friendship hearts has filled up.


At 6 ♥, if you give Felicia a Confession Pendant, there will be a cutscene.

After you have seen the Confession Pendant cutscene with Felicia, her special encounters are as follows:

Hearts Required Location Time Weather
7 ♥ Felicia's House 8AM - 5:59PM Clear, Rain, Snow
8 ♥ Outdoors at Windswept Falls 8AM - 5:59PM Clear, Rain, Snow
9 ♥ Outdoors at Windswept Falls 8AM - 5:59PM Clear, Rain, Snow


When you reach 10 ♥ with Felicia, if you have a log cabin or larger, you can give her a Blue Feather to propose marriage.

After you marry Felicia, you can have the following special encounters with her:

Hearts Required Location Time Weather Additional Requirements
11 ♥ Your House At the start of the day Any
13 ♥ Your House 7PM - 8:59PM Any You have seen the previous special encounter
15 ♥ Your House At the start of the day Any You have seen the previous special encounter
at least 13 ♥ Your House 11:00PM - 1:59AM Any


In addition to the above, you and your spouse will have a child, and over time, your child will grow up. There will be special cutscenes after certain numbers of days. The requirements for these cutscenes are listed below:

  1. It has been at least 5 days since getting married. (Must go to bed by 11:59PM; otherwise, it will take up to 10 days.)
  2. It has been at least 15 days since getting married. (Must go to bed by 11:59PM; otherwise, it will take up to 30 days.)
  3. It has been at least 45 days since seeing the previous special encounter.
  4. It has been at least 30 days since seeing the previous special encounter.
  5. It has been at least 75 days since seeing the previous special encounter.
  6. It has been at least 95 days since seeing the previous special encounter.