Ren-iz Shrine

Ren-iz Shrine can be found on Crenel Hills, northeast of Lookout Landing.

Ren-iz Shrine can be found on Crenel Hills, northeast of Lookout Landing.

Shrine Location

Ren-iz Shrine is located at 0755, 0823, 0082, on Crenel Hills, which is northeast of Lookout Landing.

Jump the Gaps

When you hit the glowing switch, an orb will roll down the ramp. You need to put the metal plate over the hole that the orb falls into, such that the orb will roll up the metal plate and into the hole beyond the gap. Place one of the narrow ends of the metal plate on the small ledge on the near side of the hole. Then hit the switch, and if you placed the metal plate correctly, the orb will fall into the floor switch on the other side and the bars will open.

Go through the bars and look to the right to see a chest. There is a square metal plate in this area, as well as a long metal plate. Attach them together and use them as a bridge to reach the chest. It contains a Mighty Zonaite Shield.

Then take the bridge that you created and move it back near the ramp in this area. Take the two pieces apart, then attach the square in the middle of the long piece, and set it in the part of the floor that is lower than the rest, such that the long piece forms a ramp, and the short piece is holding the ramp up. Then hit the glowing switch and the orb will roll over the long piece of metal, then it will go up the short piece of metal that you put at an angle, causing the orb to jump over the gap and into the switch across the gap.

Go through the bars and check on the dragon ring to get the Light of Blessing and complete the shrine.