Finra Woods Excavation Site

Finra Woods Excavation Site is south of Popla Foothills Skyview Tower and southeast of Lake Hylia.

Finra Woods Excavation Site is south of Popla Foothills Skyview Tower and southeast of Lake Hylia.

Cave Location

Finra Woods Excavation Site is located at 0568, -2982, 0014, which is south of Popla Foothills Skyview Tower and southeast of Lake Hylia.

Cave Features

Attach a fan or a Zonai wheel to the wooden wheel and activate it from a distance (e.g. by throwing an apple at it) to make the wooden wheel spin. The gate will open. Go through and open the chest to get a Large Zonai Charge.

Then go to the southwest corner of the room, where there is a hole in the ceiling. Climb up through the hole and go northeast through the tunnel to find this cave's Bubbulfrog.