Where to Farm Amber

Amber is a common ore that you can get from various places, including Battle Tali and Ore Deposits.

Best Sources of Amber

  • Battle Talus
  • Stone Talus

Battle Tali and regular Stone Tali are a very good source of amber. As you fight a Battle Talus or Stone Talus, amber will come out of the Ore Deposit on its back, and when you defeat it, it usually drops at least one more amber.

Good Sources of Amber

  • Luminous Stone Talus
  • Ore Deposit
  • Rare Ore Deposit

Luminous Stone Tali have a fair chance of dropping Amber.

Ore Deposits that you find around Hyrule also have a good chance of dropping amber. Rare Ore Deposits have a slightly lower chance of dropping amber, but they are another a good source.

Other Sources of Amber

Rare Stone Tali have a slightly lower chance of dropping Amber.