Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower

You find Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower in the Akkala region, but a monster took the terminal.

You find Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower in the Akkala region, but a monster took the terminal.

Tower Location

Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower is located in the northeastern part of Hyrule, at 3493, 2019, 0188.

Retrieve the Terminal

Near the tower, you see an Aerocuda flying around with the tower's terminal in its talons. Defeat the Aerocuda, then use Ultrahand to take the terminal and put it into the room in the tower. Sawson will repair it.

Map the Region

After the terminal is repaired, examine it to activate the teleport location here. Then step onto the glowing spot in the tower and examine it to be launched upward and map the Akkala region.