You will find Sinakawak Shrine northwest of Lookout Landing, near New Serenne Stable.

Shrine Location
Sinakawak Shrine is located at -1413, 0756, 0089, which is northwest of Lookout Landing, near New Serenne Stable.
An Uplifting Device
In the shrine, you will find some balloons at the top of the stairs up ahead. Against the wall, you can see one of the balloons floating up and down above a candle. (There is nothing on top of the platform that the balloon is under.) There are some wooden boards here, so place one flat on the ground near the tall wall, then attach a balloon to the center of it. Then stand on the board and attach a candle to the basket beneath the balloon. This will take you up to the top of the wall.
There is a closed gate in the wall, and if you stand near the gate and look up, you see a switch above you. Place a balloon beneath this switch, then attach a candle to the basket beneath the balloon. This will make the balloon float up and push the switch, opening the gate. Go through.
You will be on a walkway, and you can see an area far below, as well as a gate in the far wall. There are two floor switches near the gate. The switches can be activated by putting an orb of the appropriate size into each one. Farther down below, you can see some orbs, so glide down there or use the ladder (near where you entered this area).
First, go to the small orb that you can see between four candles. There is a wooden board next to it. Attach the orb to a corner of the board, then attach the nearby balloon to the center of the board. Stand on the board and attach a candle to the basket beneath the balloon. Once the board is floating, you can detach the orb and move it over the floor switch with the small hole, and drop the orb into it.
This opens the gate to the end of the shrine, but before you finish the shrine, go back down and look behind the wall in one of the corners to see a large orb surrounded by flame emitters. Attach a balloon to the top of the orb, then hit one of the flame emitters to deactivate it, and attach the deactivated flame emitter to the inside of the basket, then hit the orb to make it float up. Go up the ladder or use Ascend to get onto a walkway to retrieve the orb and the balloon. Move it over the large floor switch and detach the orb to drop it into the large floor switch. Then go through the gate that opened, and open the chest to get an Opal.
Then go through the other gate that you unlocked earlier to finish the shrine and get a Light of Blessing.