Rakakudaj Shrine

Rakakudaj Shrine is located in Gerudo Canyon, northeast of Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower.

Rakakudaj Shrine is located in Gerudo Canyon, northeast of Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower.

Shrine Location

Rakakudaj Shrine is located at -2036, -1854, 0065, which is in Gerudo Canyon, northeast of Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower. For directions to this location, read Gerudo Regional Phenomena, and if you go west at the fork in the road in Gerudo Canyon, you will reach this shrine.

How to Open the Shrine

When you check on the shrine, you begin the quest "The Gerudo Canyon Crystal". Complete that quest (follow the beam of light to find the crystal, and bring it back to the source of the beam of light), to open this shrine.