Lindor's Brow Skyview Tower

Northwest of New Serenne Stable, you will find Lindor's Brow Skyview Tower.

Northwest of New Serenne Stable, you will find Lindor's Brow Skyview Tower.

Location of the Tower

Lindor's Brow Skyview Tower (-1894, 1240, 0293) is northwest of New Serenne Stable.

How to Reach the Tower

The tower is surrounded by water. You can use the nearby construction materials to attach several long wooden boards together. Place these boards in the water behind the tower and move them beneath the rocky overhang on the west side of the tower. Then stand on the floating boards and use Ascend to reach the base of the tower.

Map the Region

After you reach the tower, open the door and examine the terminal to activate the teleport location here. Then step onto the glowing spot in the tower and examine it to be launched upward and map the Hyrule Ridge region.