Jochi-iu Shrine

Jochi-iu Shrine is northeast of East Akkala Stable, which is northeast of Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower.

Jochi-iu Shrine is northeast of East Akkala Stable, which is northeast of Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower.

Shrine Location

Jochi-iu Shrine is located at 4346, 2875, 0165, which is northeast of Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower.

Courage to Pluck

There are two treasure chests here. One is on a ledge on the side, and the other is within the metal pieces with the orb on top. Don't glide onto the platform with the metal pieces, or it will open beneath you and drop you into the pit.

There is a layer of the metal structure with three metal pieces. Slide the middle piece out and lean it up against the ledge with the treasure chest, then walk up it to reach the chest. Open it to get a random Zonaite Bow.

Then take the nearest piece of the lowest level, so that there is one metal piece in the middle of the base, holding up the entire structure.

Use these two metal pieces to activate the electrical terminal: place one piece on the glowing electrical terminal, then place the other metal piece next to it to activate the second electrical terminal. This will make the platform move back and forth toward the metal structure. Stand on this platform and you will get close enough to take the orb from the top. With careful timing, you can also grab the treasure chest that is within the metal structure. It contains a Large Zonaite.

Put the orb into the floor switch to open the bars. Go through and check on the dragon ring to get a Light of Blessing and complete the shrine.