Final Fantasy Tactics A2 was originally released in 2007 for the Nintendo DS. In the game, Luso finds himself in the land of Ivalice and must do battle and meet allies to find his way back home.

More Information
- 'Cross the Sea
- 'Tis the Season
- A Bride for Montblanc
- A Charm for Luck
- A Chill in the Night
- A Dashing Duel
- A Fatal Mistake
- A Harvest Hand
- A Lady's Insistence
- A Lady's Persistence
- A Lady's Proposition
- A Lanista's Pride
- A Lasting Peace
- A Lost Companion
- A Paw Full of Feathers
- A Request
- A Simple Question
- A Small Favor
- A Step Further
- A Treasured Heirloom
- A Voice from the Well
- Abducted!
- Aid the Serpent
- Airship S.O.S.!
- All Good Things...
- An Earnest Delight
- An Earnest Multitude
- An Earnest Quandary
- An Earnest Search
- An Unfamiliar Land
- An Unseen Foe
- Banbanga!
- Beetle in a Haystack
- Beneath the Sands
- Black King of Cinquleur
- Blue King of Cinquleur
- Bonga Bugle - Ashleaf
- Bonga Bugle - Blackfrost
- Bonga Bugle - Bloodfire
- Bonga Bugle - Coppersun
- Bonga Bugle - Emberleaf
- Bonga Bugle - Goldsun
- Bonga Bugle - Greenfire
- Bonga Bugle - Mistleaf
- Bonga Bugle - Plumfrost
- Bonga Bugle - Rosefire
- Bonga Bugle - Silversun
- Bonga Bugle - Skyfrost
- Books of Magick
- Bringer of Doom
- Bug Hunt
- Cake: The Catastrophe
- Cake: The Ingredients
- Cake: The Recipe
- Camoa Cup
- Caravan Cry
- Caravan Cry II
- Champions' Cup
- Chita on Weapons-Adepts
- Chita on Weapons-Masters
- Chita on Weapons-Novices
- Cilawa the Gluttonous
- Clan Mates
- Cleaning to Loar
- Cleaning to Ordalia
- Crying Eyeball
- Death March
- Death March, II
- Death March, III
- Devil's Pact
- Devilish Delights
- Drawn Bridge
- Drowsy Draught
- Duelhorn
- Escort Wanted
- Eternal Rivalry
- Flantastic Finish
- Flown the Coop
- Fluffy Flier?
- Fluorgis Cup
- Fluorgis Nightwatch
- Foodstuffs: Appearance
- Foodstuffs: Aroma
- Foodstuffs: Bon Appetit
- Foodstuffs: Nutrition
- Foodstuffs: Texture
- For My Love
- For the Cause
- From 'Cross the Sea
- Geomancer's Way - Mist
- Geomancer's Way - Rain
- Geomancer's Way - Snow
- Geomancer's Way - Sun
- Gimme That!
- Goug Cup
- Goug Nightwatch
- Graszton Cup
- Graszton Nightwatch
- Great Land Festival
- Green Dominion
- Green King of Cinquleur
- Gripped by Fear
- Grounded!
- Hellhound Astray
- Help!
- Hors D'oeuvre of the Hour
- House Bowen's Challenge
- Hunted
- Hunting Season
- I Must Have It!
- I Want to Forget
- I've Been Had, Kupo!
- Inspiration or Perspiration?
- Instrument of Inspiration
- It's a Secret to Everybody
- It's a Trap!
- It's the Thought
- Jylland Cup
- Kidnapping!?
- Kids These Days
- Knowing the Beast
- Komodo Arrival
- Komodo Departure
- Komodo Search
- Kupoppy Flower
- Kyrra, Dragoon
- Lethean Draught
- Loar Airships Grounded
- Loar Cup
- Lord Grayrl!
- Love-struck
- Maintaining the Balance
- Making Music
- Making Port
- Meeting the Quota
- Memories
- Memories Forged
- Monster Poaching
- Moorabella Cup
- Moorabella Nightwatch
- Mountain Watch
- Mushroom Chef
- My Little Carrot
- My Secret Shame
- Now That's a Fire!
- Odd Places
- Of Kupos and Cannons
- Oh No, Kupo!
- On the Rampage
- One Last Memory
- One Red Phial
- Ordalia Airships Grounded
- Ordalia Cup
- Our Playground
- Pearls in the Deep
- Picnic Pleasure
- Pirate Attack
- Pirate Problems
- Plea for Help
- Poachers Spotted
- Popocho's Chocobos
- Prepared with Love
- Rancher's Request - Black
- Rancher's Request - Brown
- Rancher's Request - Green
- Rancher's Request - Red
- Rancher's Request - White
- Rancher's Request - Yellow
- Ravager
- Reagent Run
- Red King of Cinquleur
- Rude Awakening
- Ruinous Traps
- Rumors Abound
- Seeding the Harvest
- Seeking the Stone
- Shaved Ice
- Shelling Out
- Shipping Out
- Show of Strength
- Showdown
- Sleepless Nights
- Sleight of Hand
- Something's Dropped!
- Speed Battle, Kupo!
- Starstruck
- Stowaways
- Stranger in the Woods
- Strong Lady
- Stuck in the Muck
- Summons
- Sun-ripened Mayhem
- Survey No. 258
- Survey No. 259
- Survey No. 260
- Survey No. 261
- Teach a Man to Fish
- Teach a Man to Run
- The Art of Gastronomy
- The Bangaa Brotherhood
- The Bangaa of the Rupies
- The Beast of Aisenfield
- The Camoa Nightwatch
- The Cat's Meow
- The Dig
- The Eastwatch
- The Finest Blade
- The First Step
- The Five Kings
- The Forests of Loar
- The Forgotten Places
- The Genuine Article
- The Goug Consortium
- The Honorable Thing
- The Lands of Loar
- The Last Duelhorn
- The Last Step
- The Moon Seal
- The Natural Order
- The Next Step
- The Nu Mou Nobles
- The Nu Mou of the Rupies
- The Perfect Gift
- The Ritual
- The Rivalry of the Rupies
- The Root of the Problem
- The Seas of Ordalia
- The Show's Not Over...
- The Shrine of the Paling Gods
- The Star Seal
- The Stone With No Name
- The Storage Shed
- The Sun Seal
- The Towns of Loar
- The Trappings of Failure
- The Ultimate Book
- The Way of the Meek
- The Way of the Sword
- The Way of the Timid
- The White of Its Eye
- The Whole Truth
- The Wonders of Loar
- The Wonders of Ordalia
- The Yellow Wings
- Thieves in the Ruins
- Three-Point Strategy
- Through Another's Eyes
- Throw Down
- Time to Act
- To Be a Fighter
- To Be a Spellblade
- To Whom Gods Bow
- Training Wanted
- Treasured Tomes
- Tree Hugging
- Under the Weather
- Unfamiliar Folk
- Unplumbed Depths
- Veis, Assassin
- Vim, Vigor, and Go
- Wall of Flame
- Wanted: Artillery
- Wanted: Assistant
- Wanted: Barmaid!
- Wanted: Big Eyes
- Wanted: Caretaker
- Wanted: Combatants
- Wanted: Devotees!
- Wanted: Florah
- Wanted: Floraxion
- Wanted: Friends, Kupo!
- Wanted: Gaitsnipe
- Wanted: Gilmunto
- Wanted: Hatchery Worker
- Wanted: Icicle Ark
- Wanted: Lang Bros.
- Wanted: Magick Weapon
- Wanted: Marksman
- Wanted: Moogle Rangers
- Wanted: Musician!
- Wanted: Shiny Maces
- Wanted: Sidekick
- Wanted: Sky Pirate Vaan
- Wanted: The Cyanwolf
- Wanted: The Mirage Bunny
- Wanted: The Mutadragons
- Wanted: Tonberrion
- Wanted: Tutor!
- Wanted: Ugohr
- Wanted: Woodcutter
- Wanted: Woodworker
- Watch Your Step
- Watching the Watchers
- Wayward Drake
- What Was Lost
- White King of Cinquleur
- Wish Upon A Star
- Woman of the Wood
- Yellow Wings in Trouble
- You Say Tomato