Final Puzzle

This page contains the solution to the final puzzle in Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, both the Nonary Games version and the original Nintendo DS version.

The Nonary Games Version

The final puzzle in remakes of Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, is different from the original. To solve the puzzle, click the numbers in the bottom row and swap them with the letters in the above grid so that the word on the bottom is PASSWORD.

On the next screen, you are asked to enter a password.

When you solved the puzzle on the previous screen, the number 9 flashed in the empty grid squares.

In the puzzle on the previous screen, there was a single blank square after the word PASSWORD.

The password is:

Nintendo DS Version

The final puzzle is NOT timed.

If you have never played Sudoku before, here is how it works: Every row, column, and 3x3 square marked by the lines can only have one of each number from 1 through 9.

If you just want to see the solution, skip to Sudoku Solution below. Otherwise, to solve the puzzle, look for a row, column, or 3x3 square that already has a lot of numbers in it. Choose an empty square and figure out which numbers you can put in there that aren't already in that row, column, and 3x3 square. If you look carefully, you will find empty squares that only have one possible number that you can put into it. As you add more numbers to the grid, you reduce the possibilities for the other empty squares. Keep going and eventually you will solve it. Don't worry: this particular sudoku puzzle is very easy. If you are interested in learning more advanced Sudoku strategies, visit the Sudoku guide.

Sudoku Solution

4 3 1 | 8 7 2 | 5 6 9
5 8 7 | 6 4 9 | 2 1 3
6 2 9 | 3 5 1 | 8 7 4
2 4 5 | 9 6 8 | 7 3 1
1 6 8 | 7 2 3 | 4 9 5
9 7 3 | 4 1 5 | 6 2 8
3 9 4 | 2 8 6 | 1 5 7
7 1 6 | 5 9 4 | 3 8 2
8 5 2 | 1 3 7 | 9 4 6