After you join Blueberry Academy's BB League, you can take on Lacey's trial for a chance to battle her.

Before you Begin
Before you begin, you will need at least 50 BP. If you don't have enough, you can press right on the directional pad to see your current BBQs, which you can complete to get more BP.
Go to Coastal Plaza
Coastal Plaza is located in the northwest part of the Coastal Biome in the Terarium. Talk to the person behind the desk near the southeast part of the plaza. As mentioned above, you will need at least 50 BP to start the trial.
After you pay 50 BP, Lacey will explain the trial: she will give you a Pokémon quiz where she asks you five questions.
Pass the Quiz
First Question
Question: In which part of Pikachu's body it stores its electricity.
Second Question
Question: What part of Venonat's body acts like radar?
Third Question
Question: Which Sinistea has an authentic Antique teacup?
Fourth Question
Question: Which Minior is the pink one?
Fifth Question
Question: Which part of Granbull's body does Lacey use as a pillow?
Battle Lacey
Afterward, you will go with Lacey to the battle court in the plaza. If you want to prepare first, you can say No. When you're ready, you can talk to Lacey to start the Double Battle. She has the following pokémon.
- Level 78 Whimsicott
- Type: Grass/Fairy
- Type Effectiveness:
- Very Weak to Poison moves
- Weak to Flying, Steel, Fire, Ice moves
- Immune to Dragon moves
- Strong against Fighting, Ground, Water, Grass, Electric, Dark moves
- Moves:
- Light Screen
- Held Item: Focus Sash
- Level 78 Granbull
- Type: Fairy
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Poison, Steel moves
- Immune to Dragon moves
- Strong against Fighting, Bug, Dark moves
- Moves:
- Fire Punch
- Level 79 Galarian Slowbro
- Type: Poison/Psychic
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Ground, Ghost, Dark moves
- Very Strong against Fighting moves
- Strong against Poison, Grass, Fairy moves
- Moves:
- Psychic
- Flamethrower
- Shell Side Arm
- Held Item: Sitrus Berry
- Ability: Quick Draw
- Level 79 Primarina
- Type: Water/Fairy
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Poison, Grass, Electric moves
- Immune to Dragon moves
- Strong against Fighting, Bug, Fire, Water, Ice, Dark moves
- Held Item: Throat Spray
- Level 79 Alcremie
- Type: Fairy
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Poison, Steel moves
- Immune to Dragon moves
- Strong against Fighting, Bug, Dark moves
- Level 80 Excadrill
- Type: Ground/Steel
- Tera Type: Fairy
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Poison, Steel moves
- Immune to Dragon moves
- Strong against Fighting, Bug, Dark moves
- Moves:
- High Horsepower
You get 12800 Pokédollars for winning. You also get a TM227 Alluring Voice.
Challenge the Remaining Elite Four
You can now challenge any other members of the Elite Four that you haven't faced yet:
The Championship Match
If you have already defeated all four members of the Elite Four, go to the entrance of Blueberry Academy and talk to the person behind the desk at the entrance gate to start the Championship match.