Hybrid Polymers items - EVE Online Item Database - Page 1

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C3-FTM Acid

Volume0.20 m³
CategoryHybrid Polymers
Produced ByC3-FTM Acid Reaction Formula
DescriptionDifficult to procure and expensive to create, this rare chemical compound plays an important role as a neuroprotective agent for capsule pilots. It is integrated into the life-support systems on board a capsuleer's vessel, where it helps limit brain cell death and neurodegeneration.

Carbon-86 Epoxy Resin

Volume0.40 m³
CategoryHybrid Polymers
Produced ByCarbon-86 Epoxy Resin Reaction Formula
DescriptionC-86 epoxy resin is most commonly applied as a thin film to the structures housing propulsion systems. The tremendous flame-retardant properties of materials covered in the resin help prevent heat buildup and minimize onboard fires.

Fullerene Intercalated Graphite

Volume0.80 m³
CategoryHybrid Polymers
Produced ByFullerene Intercalated Graphite Reaction Formula
DescriptionOriginally this material was only used in the construction of advanced semiconductors, a role in which it still performs admirably. In recent years, however, structural engineers have proven that it has even better applications in nano-electromechanical systems. The unique “superlubricity” – a state of zero or near-zero friction – between mechanical components made of F.I.G significantly limits wear, allowing the tiny devices to operate for exceptionally long periods without the need for maintenance.


Volume0.10 m³
CategoryHybrid Polymers
Produced ByFulleroferrocene Reaction Formula
DescriptionFulleroferrocene is a rare organometallic compound used to strengthen and supplement other materials. Most commonly, it is used to improve the structural integrity of metal alloys, but research is continuing on its potential applications in nanomechanical devices.

Graphene Nanoribbons

Volume1.50 m³
CategoryHybrid Polymers
Produced ByGraphene Nanoribbons Reaction Formula
DescriptionSingle-walled nanotubes such as these have been at the forefront of advanced electronics production for centuries. The nanoribbons make for some of the best, and smallest, conductors in the world, offering scientists new ways forward in the miniaturization of electronics systems.

Lanthanum Metallofullerene

Volume1.00 m³
CategoryHybrid Polymers
Produced ByLanthanum Metallofullerene Reaction Formula
DescriptionThis fullerene-lanthanum compound is made by encasing a single lanthanum atom in a cage of carbon atoms. The incredibly high melting point of lanthanum compounds make them ideal for the construction of offensive hardpoints, where heat dissipation is critical to keeping weapons systems operating effectively.


Volume0.75 m³
CategoryHybrid Polymers
Produced ByMethanofullerene Reaction Formula
DescriptionOne of the most useful organic semiconductors discovered in recent years, methanofullerene can be blended with other polymers to create incredibly efficient solar cells, offering a near-endless source of power in places that would otherwise be difficult to supply.

PPD Fullerene Fibers

Volume0.50 m³
CategoryHybrid Polymers
Produced ByPPD Fullerene Fibers Reaction Formula
DescriptionThe discovery of these microscopic, tubular structures has helped pave new paths in the construction of advanced starships. Known for their unrivaled strength-to-weight ratio, composite metals made of unique PPD fullerene fibers have become the standard for defensive plating. Atomic-scale, nanomechanical systems used inside repair modules often employ fullerene fibers as well.

Scandium Metallofullerene

Volume0.65 m³
CategoryHybrid Polymers
Produced ByScandium Metallofullerene Reaction Formula
DescriptionA fullerene-scandium compound made by encasing a single scandium atom in a cage of carbon atoms. Scandium is a grey-white element that has historically been incredibly hard to find. Scandium-tipped missiles were once valued for their armor-piercing qualities, which allowed them to wreack havoc deep inside starship hulls. The only thing holding the weapons industry back from these and other similar applications has been the low supply of the material.