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Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls

Volume1.00 m³
Base Price2.00 ISK
DescriptionA chemical flux in strangely distorted mineral form produced by the subtle, yet profound effects of the intermediate deadspace environment, Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls are principally obtained by mining and reprocessing certain rare ores to be found in deadspace, such as the weirdly glowing Cthonic Attar and Amethystic Crystallite asteroids. With increasing interest in the useful properties of these compounds, other sources have been discovered, typically in extreme or isolated space environments where gravitational effects may vary unpredictably. Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls may be unstable but they have many uses, including use as a catalyzing material in synaptic acceleration implants and boosters. A darker use is the refinement of the strange material into "Deathglow", a deeply mind-altering illegal booster that has recently found its way into the underground markets of New Eden.


Volume0.01 m³
Base Price128.00 ISK
DescriptionLight-bluish crystal, formed by intense pressure deep within large asteroids and moons. Used in electronic and weapon manufacturing. Only found in abundance in a few areas. May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores and their variations: Low security status star systems: Omber, Kernite, Hemorphite, Gneiss, Dark Ochre Null security status star systems: Kernite Wormhole systems: Omber, Kernite, Gneiss It is also present in huge amounts in rare ores like Spodumain, Bezdnacine and Rakovene.


Volume0.01 m³
Base Price8,192.00 ISK
DescriptionAn extremely rare mineral found in comets and very occasionally in asteroids that have traveled through gas clouds. Has unique explosive traits that make it very valuable in the armaments industry. May be obtained by reprocessing Arkonor ore and its variations which are available in null security status and wormhole systems. Significant amounts of Megacyte are also present in rare ores like Spodumain, Bezdnacine, and Talassonite.


Volume0.01 m³
Base Price32.00 ISK
DescriptionVery flexible metallic mineral, dull to bright silvery green in color. Can be mixed with Tritanium to make extremely hard alloys or it can be used by itself for various purposes. Fairly common in most regions. May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores and their variations: High security status star systems: Pyroxeres, Plagioclase Low security status star systems: Pyroxeres, Kernite, Jaspet, Gneiss, Dark Ochre, Crokite Null security status star systems: Pyroxeres, Kernite, Bistot, Arkonor Wormhole systems: Pyroxeres, Kernite, Gneiss, Bistot, Arkonor


Volume0.01 m³
Base Price32,768.00 ISK
DescriptionMorphite is a highly unorthodox mineral that can only be found in the hard-to-get Mercoxit ore. It is hard to use Morphite as a basic building material, but when it is joined with existing structures it can enhance the performance and durability manifold. This astounding quality makes this the material responsible for ushering in a new age in technology breakthroughs. May be obtained by reprocessing Mercoxit ore and its variations which are available in null security status star systems.


Volume0.01 m³
Base Price512.00 ISK
DescriptionA highly volatile mineral only formed during supernovas, thus severely limiting the extent of its distribution. Vital ingredient in capsule production, making it very coveted. May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores and their variations available in low security status star systems: Jaspet, Hemorphite, Hedbergite, Dark Ochre, Crokite It is also present in significant amounts in rare ores like Spodumain and Talassonite.


Volume0.01 m³
Base Price8.00 ISK
DescriptionA soft crystal-like mineral with a very distinguishing orange glow as if on fire. Used as conduit and in the bio-chemical industry. Commonly found in many asteroid-ore types. May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores and their variations: High security status star systems: Scordite, Pyroxeres Low security status star systems: Pyroxeres, Omber, Hedbergite, Gneiss, Crokite Null security status star systems: Pyroxeres, Bistot, Arkonor Wormhole systems: Pyroxeres, Omber, Gneiss, Bistot, Arkonor


Volume0.01 m³
Base Price2.00 ISK
DescriptionThe main building block in space structures. A very hard, yet bendable metal. Cannot be used in human habitats due to its instability at atmospheric temperatures. Very common throughout the central regions of known universe. May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores and their variations available in high security status star systems: Veldspar, Scordite, Plagioclase It is also present in huge amounts in rare ores like Spodumain, Bezdnacine, Rakovene and Talassonite.


Volume0.01 m³
Base Price2,048.00 ISK
DescriptionOnly found in huge geodes; rocks on the outside with crystal-like quartz on the inside. The rarest and most precious of these geodes are those that contain the dark green zydrine within. Very rare and very expensive. May be obtained by reprocessing Bistot ore and its variations which are available in null security status and wormhole systems. Significant amounts of Zydrine are also present in rare ores like Spodumain and Rakovene.