Engineering Complex items - EVE Online Item Database - Page 1

Engineering Complex Group

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Mass10,000,000,000.00 kg
Volume80,000.00 m³
CategoryEngineering Complex
Produced ByAzbel Blueprint
DescriptionNamed after Li Azbel, a Gallente scientist who pioneered the first breakthroughs in faster than light communications, the Azbel Engineering Complex is a large-sized structure from the Upwell Consortium and is specialized in manufacturing and research operations. The Azbel Engineering Complex fits into the industrial major-player spot in the Upwell Consortium’s new line of structures, and is able to use Upwell's Standup Service modules, allowing flexibility and customization of its functions. This dedicated industrial structure also provides access to Upwell’s L-Set line of rigs designed to improve productivity and optimization of various aspects of manufacturing and research. Due to its large size this engineering complex can accommodate construction of capital ships using the Standup Capital Shipyard I Service Module. The Azbel provides tethering technology and has docking capabilities for subcapital ships and freighters.


Mass3,000,000,000.00 kg
Volume8,000.00 m³
CategoryEngineering Complex
Produced ByRaitaru Blueprint
DescriptionNamed after Tyma Raitaru, who pioneered the development of modern day missile technology, the Raitaru Engineering Complex is a medium-sized structure from the Upwell Consortium and is specialized in manufacturing and research operations. The Raitaru is the entry-level Engineering Complex in the Upwell Consortium’s new line of structures, and is able to use Upwell's Standup Service modules, allowing flexibility and customization of its functions. This dedicated industrial structure also provides access to Upwell’s M-Set line of rigs designed to improve productivity and optimization of various aspects of manufacturing and research. The Raitaru provides tethering technology and has docking capabilities for subcapital ships and freighters.


Mass50,000,000,000.00 kg
Volume800,000.00 m³
CategoryEngineering Complex
Produced BySotiyo Blueprint
DescriptionNamed after one of the co-creators of the first Caldari warp drive, the Sotiyo-Urbaata Drive, the Sotiyo serves as a mega-scale manufacturing and assembly site for everything from subcapital ships and modules, up to supercapital class hulls. The Sotiyo is the Engineering Complex fit for megacorporations in the Upwell Consortium’s new line of structures, and is able to use Upwell's Standup Service modules, allowing flexibility and customization of its functions. This dedicated industrial structure also provides access to Upwell’s XL-Set line of rigs designed to improve productivity and optimization of various aspects of manufacturing and research. Due to its extra-large size this engineering complex can accommodate construction of supercapital ships using the Standup Supercapital Shipyard I Service Module. The Sotiyo provides tethering technology and has docking capabilities for capital-size ships and below.