Temple of Time

After you recover a piece of the Mirror of Twilight from Snowpeak Ruins, you arrive at the Temple of Time in search of the next.

Get Ooccoo

Go toward the north door and Midna will talk to you. Transform into Wolf Link and use your senses, then approach the ghostly statue.

There is a switch in front of where the missing statue should be. As Human Link, pick up a nearby pot and put it on the switch to make a platform rise up. Climb up that platform and go to the top of the stairs. Walk up to Ooccoo to get her to join you.

Get a Key

Go down the other side of the stairs (not the side you came up) and light the two torches here to make a chest appear. Open it to get a small key.

Get the Map

Go back up the stairs, and go up the next set of stairs to reach a locked door to the south. Open it.

Kill the Young Gohma in the middle of the room. Pick up a nearby pot and put it on the switch in the middle of the room to open some gates. There is a chest in the southern alcove of the room that contains arrows.

Go up the stairs, kill the Young Gohma, then turn around and use your Clawshot on the pot that you put on the switch a moment ago. This will close the gate below you and open the gate above you.

Go up the stairs and you will encounter a Lizalfos. Kill it and keep going up the stairs, killing three more Lizalfos on the way.

In the room at the top, approach the statue. The Armos will come to life and bounce toward you, sometimes hitting with its hammer. The crystal on its back is vulnerable, so use Back Slice if you have learned it (jump twice to the side, then attack). After you hit it three times, it begins to bounce rapidly and starts to glow. Stay away from it to avoid getting hit by its explosion.

Open the chest that appears, to get the Dungeon Map.

Get a Second Key

There is a small chest in this room that contains a red rupee. (Beware of the Keese on the window above it.) Next to the chest, there are two small stone objects. Pick one up and place it on one of the two switches next to the gate on the north side of the room, then go pick up the other and put it on the other switch.

Go through the gate that opened, and follow the path to the door at the end. Go through.

Go toward the stairs and kill the Lizalfos at the base of the stairs, then go up the stairs, killing another Lizalfos there. When you reach a gap in the stairs, use the Spinner to continue going up, deactivating the Spinner when you are across.

At the top, walk toward the circular platform in the middle of the room. Watch out for the two spinning Blade Traps, and make your way around the platform until you see another small stone object like the ones you put on switches earlier. Pick it up and take it south to where there are two switches. Put the stone object on one of them.

Then go back to the north side of the room, and from there go to the middle of the center platform. Push on the handle to make the platform move downward. Pick up the stone object and place it on the part of the platform so that it will go with you if you rotate the thing in the middle. Rotate the thing to make the platform go up, then pick up the stone object that you just got, and put it on the other switch, then quickly step onto the rising platform before it goes too far up to reach. If you make a mistake, pick up one of the stone objects, then put it back on the switch to try again. Alternatively, you can stand on the white stone when you put the second stone object onto a switch, and you will already be on the platform when it rises.

Go through the door here. It will lock behind you.

Kill the two Armos in this room to make a chest appear. Open it to get a key. There is a small chest in the south end of the room as well.

Get the Compass

Leave the room, and make your way across the circular platform to reach the locked door on the north side of the room. Open it.

Hit the green switch to turn it red. Approach the window to make the Beamos statue activate. Shoot its crystal eye to kill it. Then go past it to the next part of the room. Look back at the red crystal, which can be seen through a spiked ring. Shoot an arrow through the ring to hit the crystal, making it turn green again.

A new path has opened. Go toward the window and shoot this Beamos statue's eye to deactivate it, then go past it and look for the chest in an alcove. Open it to get the Compass.

Get a Third Key

Turn around and face the green crystal. Stand on the circle on the floor and shoot an arrow through the two rings to switch the crystal back to red. Then go up the stairs in the newly revealed path, killing two Lizalfos along the way.

At the top, stand on the circle in the floor, and shoot an arrow at the crystal switch up above to turn it green. After the wall opens, you will need to kill a Lizalfos, and an armored Dynalfos. Use the ball and chain on the Dynalfos at close range to stun it, then quickly swing your sword while it is stunned.

After you have dealt with the enemies, stand on the stone circle near the wall, and shoot the crystal switch to turn it red.

Go south into the next area and kill another Dynalfos, then stand on the circle in the floor and shoot the switch to turn it green again.

Go south and walk up the stairs, and go through the door at the end.

Kill the many monsters in this room to make a chest appear. Open it to get a purple rupee.

Go to the north side of the room and go up the stairs. When you step on the scale, it will go downward. Pick up the stone object and throw it onto the higher scale. Walk across to the scale that now has two stone objects on it. For now, go past the stone objects and go to the south side of the room from here. Go through the south door.

There is a Beamos statue in the center. Shoot its crystal eye with an arrow. Get past the spinning Blade Traps and go up the stairs, and kill the three Lizalfos at the top.

Up ahead, a rolling spiky thing is rolling from side to side. There is also a swinging blade up ahead. Go past the rolling spikes, hop up onto the step just before the swinging blade, and go past the swinging blade to find a chest that contains a key.

Go to the Mini-Boss

If you turn around, you can see that there is another rolling spiky thing beyond the first one. Go past the swinging blade and the two rolling spikes, and you will find a stone object on the floor. Pick it up, then go past the nearest rolling spike, and put the stone object onto the switch. Then go up the stairs.

Kill the baby Gohma in this room to make a chest appear. Then kill the two Armos to open the gate. Open the chest to get a purple rupee, then go through where the gate opened. Go to the end of the room and unlock the door there.


Walk into the room and there will be a cutscene. The Mortal Draw works well for hitting it before it has lost all of its armor. You can try using Back Slice to hit its back, then attack repeatedly, but it may block the Back Slice. Another method is to jump out of the way of Darknut's attack, move forward a bit and then do a jump attack before Darknut raises its sword again. If you try Shield Bash, Darknut may also do a Shield Bash, putting you off balance for a moment. When Darknut has lost all of its armor, wait for it to strike, and block its attack, then try to attack right after. If lucky, you will put it off balance, which is your chance to strike.

A gate will open. Go through and open the chest to get the Dominion Rod.

Get a Poe Soul

Go toward the middle of the room and turn around to face the treasure chest that the Dominion Rod was in. Use the Dominion Rod on the statue above the chest. Then walk toward the exit of the room to make the statue walk off the ledge. Keep walking toward the exit to move the statue under the large bell until the bell moves downward, teleporting the statue to the next room and unlocking the door. Go through.

Use the Dominion Rod on the statue, then walk forward so the statue walks up against the gate. Use the Dominion Rod, and the statue will swing its hammer, destroying the gate.

Walk forward to make the statue go through where the gate was, and then make the statue walk up to the two Armos on the side. Use the Dominion Rod to make the statue destroy the two Armos.

Put a pot on the switch in this room, then use the Dominion Rod to make the statue walk onto the platform to the south. Deactivate the statue and remove the pot from the switch, then climb up to where the statue is.

Activate the statue and go down the stairs. Make the statue walk onto the switch just beyond the electric barrier, then deactivate it and walk past where the electric barrier was.

Reactivate the statue and move it along the path, using its hammer to destroy the rolling spikes in the way. You can also use it to kill the three Lizalfos. Go down the hallway after the Lizalfos, and use the hammer to destroy the spinning Blade Traps, and the Beamos in the middle.

Move the statue onto the white tiles to the south, near where you see another bell for teleporting the statue. Then deactivate the statue and use the Dominion Rod on one of the small stone objects on the ledge. You can walk to move it around, just like the large statue. Make it walk onto the switch in the middle of the circle where the Beamos was. This raises the platform that you put the large statue on.

Deactivate the small statue, then reactivate the large one and make it walk under the teleportation bell. It will be moved to the room to the north. Go through the north door.

This is the room with the scales. The goal in this room is to get the large statue across the scales so it can walk down the stairs and reach the teleportation bell.

Walk the large statue off of its ledge, and walk it onto the southern scale. Then drop down to the lower area, where there are a bunch of Gohma. Get past them and go up the stairs to the north. There are three small statues on a ledge near the scales. Use the Dominion Rod to make one of them walk off of the ledge, then do the same with another small statue. Throw both statues onto the northern scale, then climb onto the northern scale. The scales will be in balance. Use the Dominion Rod to activate the large statue, and walk it onto the northern scale.

Stand on the symbol in the middle of the northern scale and throw the three small statues onto the southern scale one by one, then climb up onto the northern ledge. The scale should be in balance again. Activate the large statue and walk it north. Then you can walk it down the stairs and under the teleportation bell.

Before you leave, there are several things that you need to do. First, there is a Poe Soul you can get in this room. Stand on the higher of the two scales. If it goes downward, you need to put more small statues on the other side, so that your side stays higher up. Climb up onto the column nearby. Use the Clawshot on the ceiling target to land on top of the dome in the middle of the room. Walk to the end of the small ledge, and use the Spinner to go in the direction away from the crack in the wall. You will go to a ledge that overlooks the room. Transform into Wolf Link and use your senses to kill the Poe here. There is also a small chest on the south side of this ledge.

Get the Big Key

After getting the Poe Soul and opening the chest, go through the nearby door. The door will lock behind you. There are two Helmasaurs in this room. You can use the Clawshot to remove their shields, then use the Clawshot again to make them run over to you, so you can kill them while avoiding getting too close to the Armos. When the Helmasaurs are gone, kill the Armos.

Use the Clawshot on the target in the ceiling to reach the upper ledge. Open the chest here, then put the two small statues onto two of the switches. Look up to see a third statue up on the ledge. Use the Dominion Rod to walk it off of the ledge so you can put it on another of the switches. Finally, use the Clawshot on the armor of one of the Helmasaurs down below, and place it on the last switch to open the gate. Then go down to the lower area and open the chest there to get the Big Key.

Get a Piece of Heart

Go back to the previous room, then drop down from the ledge to go to the lower level of the room. Go through the door across from the scales.

Go down the stairs and kill the Dynalfos at the bottom. As before, you can use the ball and chain at close range to stun it, then quickly attack with your sword while it is stunned.

Use the Dominion Rod on the large statue and make it walk north. Keep walking into the wall and the statue will continue going north. When it reaches the wall there, deactivate the statue. Walk onto the stone circle on the floor and shoot the crystal switch to turn it red.

Kill the Lizalfos and Dynalfos beyond the wall that just opened, then use the Dominion Rod on the statue and walk it onto the switch on the floor to deactivate the electric barrier. Deactivate the statue and go past where the electric barrier was, and open the chest in the corner to get a Piece of Heart.

Get a Second Piece of Heart

Go back to the other side of where the electric barrier was, then use the Dominion Rod to walk the statue through the electric barrier. Move the statue so it's facing the short stone wall, and use the Dominion Rod to make it break the wall with its hammer. Walk the statue up the ramp, killing the Lizalfos with its hammer, and walk the statue down the nearby stairs, killing the Lizalfos there as well.

When you reach the wall at the bottom, use the statue's hammer to break it. Walk the statue over to the Beamos statue and use the statue's hammer to kill it. Before you move the statue to the teleportation bell, use the statue to destroy the other short wall and Beamos statue. Then move the statue under the teleportation bell to send it to the next room.

Go through the door in the south wall to return to the room with the platform that you can raise and lower.

Go to the middle of the center platform and rotate the thing in the center to make the platform go down. Pick up the nearby small statue and put it on the circular platform, then rotate the center thing again to make the platform go up once. Pick up the small stone statue and go south, and put the statue onto one of the switches. Find another small statue nearby, stand on the white tile next to the switches, and put the small statue onto the switch so that you are lifted up by the platform. Go through the south door.

Kill the Gohmas here. There are two switches in the two fenced-in areas in the south part of the room. You can use the Dominion Rod on the small statue behind one of the fences to walk it onto the switch there. For the other switch, there is no statue behind the fence, so you will need to pick one up from the center of the room and climb up onto the raised ridge between the two fenced-in areas, and throw the statue over the fence. Then use the Dominion Rod to walk it onto the other switch. This will make a chest appear. Open it to get a Piece of Heart.

Get a Second Poe Soul

Go back to the previous room. Rotate the thing in the middle to make the platform go up to the top. Use the Dominion Rod to move the statue onto the platform, then rotate the thing in the middle twice to make it go all the way to the bottom.

Kill all the Gohma with the statue's hammer, and the electric barrier will deactivate. Walk the statue through where the electric barrier was. Go over to the metal gate at the side of the room that has a poe lantern behind it. Use the statue's hammer to destroy the gate, then transform into Wolf Link and use your senses to kill the poe and take its soul.

Go to the Dungeon Boss

There is another metal gate in the north part of the room. Don't destroy the nearby Beamos statue, because it is hiding more baby Gohmas inside. You can shoot its crystal eye with an arrow if needed. Use the statue's hammer to destroy the metal gate. Then move the statue under the teleportation bell. Go through the door to the next room.

Go down the stairs and you will reach a metal gate at the bottom. Use the Clawshot on a target on the ceiling to get past the gate, then kill the Lizalfos and Armos in this room.

Walk the statue down the stairs, killing the two Lizalfos along the way and the Gohma at the bottom. Use the statue's hammer to destroy the metal gate in the way, then kill the Gohma on the other side. Walk the statue under the teleportation bell, then go through the north door.

Go down to the statue and use the Dominion Rod to walk it north onto the symbol next to the door that does not have a statue on it. The door will open. Go through the north door.

Shoot an arrow at the Beamos statue's crystal eye to deactivate it. Carefully jump over the gap when the Blade Trap is out of the way. Go past another Blade Trap, and shoot the two Beamos statues to deactivate them. Go past the rolling spike, then pick up a small statue and take it past the two pendulum blades so you can put the statue on the switch on the floor. One gate will open, but the other will close. Jump over the gap when the pendulum blade is out of the way, then go past the first gate. Use the Dominion Rod on the statue that you put on the switch. Walk to the side to make the statue walk off of the switch. The inner gate will open.

There are two Gohmas here, so kill them. If you have an empty bottle, you can break the jars here to make a fairy come out, and catch it in a bottle.

When you are ready, open the door to enter the room of the dungeon boss.


Look at the ceiling to find Armogohma. When it opens the eye on its back, shoot it with an arrow to make Armogohma fall to the ground. Use the Dominion Rod on the nearest statue, then use the rod again to make the statue hit Armogohma. When Armogohma climbs back onto the ceiling, kill the baby Gohma eggs that it drops. If you are quick, you can kill them before they hatch. If Armogohma shoots flames from its eyes, roll out of the way, and shoot the eye when you can. Repeat these steps until the eye comes down. Shoot the eye a few times until the boss is defeated.

After some dialogue, pick up the Heart Container, then walk up to Midna to leave the temple.

Sacred Grove

Back in the sacred grove, go south and walk toward the owl statues in the south wall. Use the Dominion Rod on an owl statue and walk it north, then go into the room beyond. One of the rooms contains a chest with a Piece of Heart, while the other contains a poe that Wolf Link can kill for its soul.

Go up the southern stairs and go through the door. There will be a cutscene.

Kakariko Village

Go to Kakariko Village, transform into a human, and enter the southernmost building. Talk to Renado to get Renado's Letter.

Next, go to Hyrule Castle Town and show Renado's letter to Telma in Telma's Bar. She will give you the Invoice.

Find the Medical Clinic in the back alleys of Hyrule Castle Town and go inside. Show the Invoice to the doctor. When the doctor goes to the corner of the room, go into the other area that has a bed and a wooden crate in it. Push the wooden crate to the side and you will see some smelly medicine. Transform into a wolf and sniff the medicine to learn the Medicine Scent.

Climb up onto the wooden crate and from there climb onto the shelf. Follow the Medicine Scent outside. If it's daytime, people will see you and be scared of you, but you can still follow the scent and nobody will interrupt you. It leads to Telma's cat Louise, in front of Telma's Bar. Talk to Louise to learn about the skeletal beasts that appear outside of the southern gate at night.

Leave town by the southern gate. Go south to where the stone ends and the grass begins, and wait for nightfall. The beasts will begin to crawl up from underground at night, so just walk around the area between the stairs and the Goron to make them all appear. You can use a charged attack to get rid of them quickly. When they are all gone, the wooden statue will pop out.

Warp to Kakariko Village and transform into a human. Go into the southernmost building and show Ilia the statue. After the cutscene, your next destination is marked on your map.

Find the Hidden Village

Warp to the Bridge of Eldin. If Midna doesn't let you warp, read Restoring the Bridge of Eldin for instructions on fixing it.

From the Bridge of Eldin, go north toward the location marked on the map. There will be Bulblin Archers and Bulblins on the way. When you get there, go through the tunnel and enter the cave opening at the end.

Go toward Darbus and he will destroy the rockslide. He says there are 20 enemies up ahead, and you have to defeat them all.

Hidden Village

Go south until there is a cutscene. The screen will display that there are 20 enemies in the area. This number will go down as you defeat them. If you haven't already, you can purchase the Hawkeye from Malo Mart in Kakariko Village. You can combine it with the bow to zoom in while aiming, which can make it easier to find the enemies in this hidden village.

Be aware that if you leave and come back before defeating all 20 enemies, the 20 enemies will be reset, so you will have to start over.

Many of the enemies can be shot from near the archway at the start of the village. Some are hiding inside buildings, on roofs, or in alleyways.

When all 20 are gone, there will be a cutscene, and you will get Ilia's Charm.

Midna won't let you warp directly out of here, so go north to leave the area, then warp to Kakariko Village. Transform into a human, go into the southernmost building, and show Ilia's Charm to Ilia.

After the cutscene, you will get the Horse Call, which you can use to call Epona from anywhere. Ilia says that the old woman in the Hidden Village said something about waiting for the messenger of the heavens to arrive with the rod. Go back to the Hidden Village, go into Impaz's house to the south, and show the Dominion Rod to Impaz. She will give you the Ancient Sky Book.

Go back to Kakariko. Go into the southernmost building again, and drop down the hole in the middle of the floor to find Shad. Show him the Ancient Sky Book. After a cutscene, your Dominion Rod will be powered back up again, and your map will be marked with the location of other Owl Statues.

Owl Statues

Ride Epona through the south exit of Kakariko, or warp to the Kakariko Gorge portal, transform to human, and call Epona. Go to the marked location in this area. Use the Dominion Rod on the Owl Statue to walk it out from between the ledges, then walk onto the glowing spot where it was standing. This restores another Sky Character to the book.

Then move this Owl Statue so that it is in the gap between a slope and a ledge nearby. Then go up that slope and use the statue to jump across to the next ledge. Then use the Dominion Rod to carefully move the Owl Statue to the next gap up ahead without falling off of the ledge. Then jump across the statue to reach the next ledge. Open the chest there.

Ride Epona north to the Bridge of Eldin, or warp there. If Midna doesn't let you warp, read Restoring the Bridge of Eldin for more information. At the Bridge of Eldin, as a human, kill the archer at the north end of the bridge. The owl statue is nearby. Climb up to it and use the Dominion Rod on it. Walk it north, then deactivate it and walk onto the glowing spot where it was standing. This will restore one Sky Character to the book.

After that, you can walk the statue all the way to the south of the bridge, just before the archway at the end. Be sure to kill the Bulblins in that area. Then walk the statue off of the side that is not blocked by bricks. The statue will fall down below. Walk it far forward enough that you can jump onto it and across to the door with the ladder beyond it. Go up that ladder, kill the Bulblin Archer here if there is one, and open the chest to get a Piece of Heart.

Warp to the S. Faron Woods portal. Go north to Coro's shop, then go north from there and go down the side path, where there may be a boulder blocking the way. Destroy it with the ball and chain, then go past it and go to the far wall, where you find the owl statue. Use the Dominion Rod on it to walk it out from the wall, then step on its glowing spot to get another Sky Character.

There is a circular hole near the base of the tree in this area. Walk the owl statue into it, then as Wolf Link, walk up to the top of the short ramp nearby and press the Midna button when prompted, to jump up a series of ledges. At the top, go to the next area to find a chest that contains a Piece of Heart.

Another owl statue is marked to the south of the Hyrule Castle Town warp portal. Go there to find ledges and stairs leading down to a stone wall. The owl statue is on top of a pillar. Kill the two Bulblins here, then use the Dominion Rod to walk the statue off of the pillar. You will need to walk it toward the stairs and ledges so that you can climb up and jump onto the Owl Statue, and from there jump to the glowing spot that the owl was standing on. This adds another Sky Character to the book.

Afterward, walk the statue to the other side of this area, where there is a chest on top of a pillar. Position the Owl Statue similarly to how you did a moment ago, so you can jump onto the statue, then jump to the chest.

There is an Owl Statue not far from here that you can ride Epona to if you go in the direction away from Hyrule Castle Town. Use the Dominion Rod to move the statue off of the ledge, walk it a few steps farther away from the ledge, then use the Clawshot on the ivy above the statue. You need to position the statue so that you land on it after letting go of the ivy. Jump from the statue to the glowing spot that the owl statue was on. This adds another Sky Character to the book.

Afterward, while still standing on the ledge where the glowing spot was, move the statue so it is closer to the neighboring ledge that has a chest on it. You want to position the statue so you can jump onto it, and from there jump onto that ledge with the chest.

There is another owl statue in Gerudo Desert. If you don't have a warp point there, read Restoring the Bridge of Eldin for instructions on creating one. Then warp there and go to the location marked on the map. There are four stone walls here, but only one has a ledge low enough for you to climb. Move the owl statue between its current wall and the one you can climb onto, then jump across it to the glowing spot.

Afterward, if you want to reach the chest, you need to jump to the next wall without falling off of the current one, so move to the far end of the current wall, use the Dominion Rod on the statue, then walk to the end that is near the next wall. After that, you need to move it between your current wall and the next, so stand on the far end of the current wall and walk to the other end. That will allow you to jump onto the owl statue and go from there to the next wall. Repeat the process to move the statue between your current wall and the one that has the chest on it.

To the Sky

Once you have added all the Sky Characters to the book, go to Kakariko Village, transform into a human, and enter the southernmost building. Some versions of the game have a bug that can cause you to become irreversably stuck if you save and quit during the next part. If you are not sure whether you have a version with this bug, don't save and quit until you have left Kakariko Village.

Drop down through the hole and show Shad the Sky Book. After Shad walks away, use the Dominion Rod on the Owl Statue and walk it out of the wall, then go past where it was. Go to the end of the room and there will be a cutscene.

Approach the cannon and press the Midna button when it lights up. Try to choose Warp, and Midna will remind you that Shad is still watching. Talk to Shad again and he will leave. After the cutscene, approach the cannon again, and press the Midna button when prompted. Warp the cannon to Lake Hylia.

Transform into a human and talk to Fyer at the pink building. During the cutscene that follows, Fyer will ask you for 300 rupees to repair the cannon. You need to do this to proceed, so say Yes. If you don't have enough, come back when you do, and talk to Fyer and ask for Special - Repairs.

After the cutscene, use the Clawshot on the target in the back of the cannon to go to the City in the Sky.