At the start of your adventure, you leave your village to go hunting with your friend Chester.

After a battle scene, you can press any button to skip the opening credits. After another cutscene, you begin the game in your hometown. Read The Menu System to learn more about Cless/Cress's skills and other controls.
Go to the southeast part of town and go into the inn. Talk to the owner. Do the chore for her to get 10 gold (hold the Accept button to move the statue). You can also go to the item store in the southwest part of town and talk to the owner, who will give you an apple for Chester's sister. If you talk to Chester's sister, in the GBA version, she will give you a Stuffed Cress, and if you talk to her again, Chester will give her the apple and get the title of Kind Brother.
Cless/Cress will say something if you check on the bridge.
Finally, use the south exit of town. Tristan will talk to you. Then go south to exit the town. You can save your game while you are in the overworld. Then go south into the forest.
You can read about battle controls in Battle Overview.
Spirit Forest
If you want to level up before continuing, don't go very far into the forest. If you go far enough to see the boar, Chester won't let you leave the forest until you have found and killed it.
If you haven't seen the boar yet, you can walk around in circles fighting monsters and winning gold and experience. You will be able to go back to town and rest your characters upstairs in Cless/Cress's house.
You get the Psion Bolt/Demonic Blade/Demon Fang skill at level 2. Be sure to equip it when you get it. To master a skill, you have to use it 100 times in battle. Mastering a skill will let you use it in combos later.
When you are ready, go south until you see the boar, then go south to where the boar was, and from there, go east and north to find a chest, which contains a Life Bottle. From there, go south and west, then keep going south until you reach a large body of water. Then go all the way to the east, then go north and approach the tree. There will be a cutscene.
The boar will attack. After you have killed it, you can optionally go to the west of the tree and read the stone slab there.
Afterward, go back to town.
Totus/Toltus/Totis, Part 2
Go up to Cless/Cress's house. When you're back in control of Cless/Cress, leave Chester's house. Don't get the sword upstairs in Cless/Cress's house, because you will lose it soon if you get it now. Leave town.
Mountain Pass
Go north and you will reach a mountain pass. There is a merchant to the left of the statue who sells gummies and other items. If you want more experience, move the statue out of the way and take the north path. It is more challenging, but you will get experience, and there are two chests at the end, containing a Life Bottle (on the left) and an Orange Gummy/Orange Gel/Orange Gummi (on the right). From that area, go to the west to exit.
Otherwise, if you don't move the statue, just keep going west until you leave the area.
Keep going north to reach Euclid. In some versions of the game, you can hold the Cancel button to run while moving. Try it, and if it doesn't work in your game, you can buy Jet Boots from the weapon and armor shop to the east. (There is no need to buy other weapons or armor right now.) If you equip the Jet Boots as an accessory, you can then hold the Cancel button to run.
Go to the center of town and buy a Rod from the guy with the outdoor shop. There is a food shop to the right. In the Super Famicom version of the game, you can put food into your sack to automatically eat it while walking around if your health is not full. In other versions, you can learn recipes and cook meals. Meals are consumed immediately upon cooking. Talk to the chef in the Euclid food shop to learn the Cabbage Roll recipe.
Finally, go to the northwest house to meet your uncle. Talk to him again and he will ask if you want to rest. Say no if you want to buy anything else or earn more experience, and you can rest in the inn for 10 gold if you are not ready to progress to the next part of the game.
When you are ready, tell your uncle that you want to rest.