List of Bonsai Set Furniture

The following is a list of all Bonsai Set furniture in Animal Crossing: Wild World. You can sort the list by name, price, group, set, and source. This makes it easy to find the most expensive and least expensive item, as well as find furniture from a particular group or set. Be sure to check out the list of furniture categories, too. Pictures coming soon.

Number of furniture items in this list: 7

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All Bonsai Set Furniture
# Name Price Group Colors Furniture Set Genres Source
15 Azalea Bonsai 1500 B Green, Blue Bonsai Set Old School, Chic Tom Nook's Shop
222 Hawthorn Bonsai 1800 C Green, Brown Bonsai Set Old School, Chic Tom Nook's Shop
228 Holly Bonsai 1600 B Green, White Bonsai Set Old School, Chic Tom Nook's Shop
239 Jasmine Bonsai 1700 A Yellow, Brown Bonsai Set Old School, Chic Tom Nook's Shop
291 Maple Bonsai 1700 C Red, Brown Bonsai Set Old School, Chic Tom Nook's Shop
379 Plum Bonsai 1900   Pink, Brown Bonsai Set Old School, Chic Spotlight Item
388 Quince Bonsai 1600 A Red, Blue Bonsai Set Old School, Chic Tom Nook's Shop