After you explore the town of Stow-on-Side and have a pokémon battle with Hop, you attempt the Stow-on-Side Gym Challenge.

Explore the Stadium
Talk to the Ball Guy to get a Heavy Ball. It works best on heavy pokémon.
Stow-on-Side Stadium Gym Mission
When you are ready, talk to the person at the north end of the stadium lobby to begin the Gym Mission.
Go north to enter the spinning cup. Rotate the control stick to change the rotation of the cup.
When you reach the end of the first course, go south and if you are playing Pokémon Sword, you will battle Gym Trainer Ian, who has a level 31 Stufful and a level 32 Bewear. You get 3072 Pokédollars for winning. If you are playing Pokémon Shield, you will battle Gym Trainer Clive, who has two level 31 Pumpkaboo and a level 31 Phantump. You get 2976 Pokédollars for winning.
If you want to return to the entrance, you can go east from the trainer and approach the glowing spot.
Otherwise, go south to the next spinning cup. This time, you need to bounce off of the hands to make your way to the right side of the slope, then go southwest to reach the end of the course.
Go south from there and if you are playing Pokémon Sword, you will battle Gym Trainer Claire, who has a level 32 Farfetch'd. If you are playing Pokémon Shield, you will battle Gym Trainer Lynne, who has a level 32 Galarian Corsola. You get 3072 Pokédollars for winning.
If you want to return to the entrance, you can approach the glowing spot.
Go south to the next course. When you reach the hand that is pointing downward, start moving to the right. Otherwise, you will have to go left and try again. Once you reach the southeast of the course, you can let the hands push you to the end.
If you want to return to the entrance, you can approach the glowing spot.
Go south and if you are playing Pokémon Sword, you will battle Gym Trainer Simon, who has a level 33 Hitmonlee and a level 33 Hitmonchan. If you are playing Pokémon Shield, you will battle Gym Trainer Roy, who has a level 33 Haunter and a level 33 Drifblim. You get 3168 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, go up the stairs to battle the Gym Leader. If you are playing Pokémon Sword, you will battle Gym Leader Bea. If you are playing Pokémon Shield, you will battle Gym Leader Allister.
Pokémon Sword: Gym Leader Bea
Gym Leader Bea has a level 34 Hitmontop, a level 34 Pangoro, a level 35 Sirfetch'd, and a level 36 Machamp. You get 5760 Pokédollars for winning.
Pokémon Shield: Gym Leader Allister
Gym Leader Allister has a level 34 Galarian Yamask, a level 34 Mimikyu, a level 35 Cursola, and a level 36 Gengar. You get 5760 Pokédollars for winning.
You will now be able to catch pokémon up to level 40. In Pokémon Sword, you get TM42 Revenge, and the Fighting Uniform, and in Pokémon Shield, you get TM77 Hex, and the Ghost Uniform.
At Poké Marts, you can now purchase Hyper Potions.
Afterward, there will be a cutscene. Go west up the stairs. To the left of Sonia, there is a sparkle. Check on it to get a Max Revive.
Continue going up the stairs and there will be a cutscene. Approach Bede and there will be another cutscene. Then Bede will battle you.
Battle Bede
Bede has a level 32 Duosion, a level 32 Gothorita, a level 35 Hattrem, a level 33 Galarian Ponyta. You get 4200 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, there will be a cutscene. You will get 2 Revives.
Go east from the Stow-on-Side Stadium to arrive in the Glimwood Tangle.