After you explore the snowy town of Circhester and visit the Hero's Bath, you enter the Circhester Stadium.

Explore the Stadium
The first time you enter the stadium, there will be a cutscene and you will get Gordie's League Card in Pokémon Sword or Melony's League Card in Pokémon Shield.
Talk to the Ball Guy to get a Moon Ball. It works best on pokémon that can evolve with a Moon Stone. The pokémon that evolve with a Moon Stone are .
When you are ready, talk to the person at the north end of the stadium lobby to begin the Gym Mission.
Circhester Stadium Gym Mission
In this gym, you will be holding a trap-detecting device. To see a map of this area with the traps revealed, click the button below, or follow the instructions below. The red os are the hidden traps.
Circhester Stadium, First Area END ---- ---- |oo xx| | xooxx| | xxxx xx| | o | | ox xoo| | x | | Tx | | x x xoox| | o | |o o | | xoxooxx | |xo x| |xx x xx | ---- ---- START
From where you start, go north and the detector will vibrate. First, go east, then north until the detector vibrates, then go west until the detector vibrates. Then you can go north and battle a Gym Trainer. In Pokémon Sword, you battle Gym Trainer Abigail, who has a level 38 Boldore. In Pokémon Shield, you battle Gym Trainer Lewis, who has a level 38 Snom. You get 3648 Pokédollars for winning.
Go west from the trainer until you are up against the wall, then go north until the detector vibrates. Go east from there and then approach the stairs. The traps behind you will be revealed.
Click the button below to see the map of the next area with the traps revealed, or follow the directions below.
Circhester Stadium, Second Area END ------- ------ | x o o x| | xxooxx | |x o xx oxoxo | |xxo T | |xx o o | | T xxxx oxxox| | o ox | |x xoo o x | | ox o | | o xxooxx x | | x o o | |x o o| |x ooxx xxoox | | x o | | o o | |x x x xx | ------ ------ START
Go up the stairs and go north until the detector vibrates. Go west, but if the detector is vibrating, go slightly south so that you are up against the rock south of you. From there, go west until you are up against the wall, then go north to the trainer. In Pokémon Sword, you will battle Gym Trainer Kiera, who has a level 38 Crustle. In Pokémon Shield, you will battle Gym Trainer Liana, who has a level 38 Cloyster. You get 3648 Pokédollars for winning.
Go to the upper-right corner of the raised floor that the trainer is standing on, and from there go north until you are just below the south edge of the rock on the right. Go east from there and you can battle a trainer. In Pokémon Sword, you will battle Gym Trainer Oliver, who has a level 39 Carkol. In Pokémon Shield, you will battle Gym Trainer Alexander, who has a level 39 Beartic. You get 3744 Pokédollars for winning.
Stand to the right of the trainer and go east from there until you are up against the wall, then go north until you are up against the south edge of the rock in the corner, then go west until you bump into the rock, then you can safely go to the stairs from there.
Go up the stairs. Click the button below to see the map of the next area with the traps revealed, or follow the directions below.
Circhester Stadium, Third Area END --- --- | | | xoox | | x| |x x| |xox xox| |o o o| |x oo | | | | oo o x| | o | | x o x | | x xx| |xxx x | | Tx oox | | | | xx oo| | x o | | | | xxoo x| | x | | x ox | |o o | |o xoo| |x xx | | o | | xxxxox | | o x | |o ox | | x x | --- --- START
In this area, there is limited visibility. Go east until you are up against the wall, then go north until the detector vibrates. Go west from there until you are just past the rocks to the north, and go north onto an empty raised floor. You can optionally go north to try to avoid a trainer battle; see the map above for details. Otherwise, if you are still on the first raised floor, go west along the raised floor until you see another raised floor to the north. Go north along it and you will battle a trainer. In Pokémon Sword, you will battle Gym Trainer Wendy, who has a level 39 Sudowoodo. In Pokémon Shield, you will battle Gym Trainer Micah, who has a level 39 Avalugg. You get 3744 Pokédollars for winning.
After the battle, go slightly east until you can go north alongside the rocks on the left, then go west as soon as you can. Go north until you are just past the rocks on the left, then go west until you are up against the wall. Go north until you bump into a rock, then go north until you are just past that rock. Go east from there until you have gone past the first rock, and go north from there to a raised floor. The visibility will clear up. Go east or west, then north, and you can safely go to the stairs.
When you are ready, go up the stairs to challenge the Gym Leader. If you are playing Pokémon Sword, you will battle Gym Leader Gordie. If you are playing Pokémon Shield, you will battle Gym Leader Melony.
Pokémon Sword: Gym Leader Gordie
Gym Leader Gordie has a level 40 Barbaracle, a level 40 Shuckle, a level 41 Stonjourner, and a level 42 Coalossal. You get 6720 Pokédollars for winning.
Pokémon Shield: Gym Leader Melony
Gym Leader Melony has a level 40 Frosmoth, a level 40 Galarian Darmanitan, a level 41 Eiscue, and a level 42 Lapras. You get 6720 Pokédollars for winning.
You will now be able to catch pokémon up to level 50. In Pokémon Sword, you get TM48 Rock Tomb, and the Rock Uniform, and in Pokémon Shield, you get TM27 Icy Wind, and the Ice Uniform.
At Poké Marts, you can now purchase Full Heals.
When you go outside, there will be a cutscene. Afterward, go southwest to the restaurant (your pokémon have already been healed up, so no need to go to the Pokémon Center first).
When you enter the restaurant, there will be a cutscene.
Afterward, go outside and there will be another cutscene. Hop will challenge you to a battle. Sonia will heal up your pokémon before the battle. If you want to change your party pokémon, you can tell Hop you need time to prepare, then talk to him again when you're ready.
Battle Hop
Hop has a level 40 Dubwool, a level 39 Pincurchin, a level 39 Snorlax, a level 40 Corviknight, and a level 41 starter pokémon (if you chose Scorbunny, he has Rillaboom; If you chose Grookey, he has Inteleon. If you chose Sobble, he has Cinderace). You get 4920 Pokédollars for winning.
After the battle, there will be a cutscene.
When you are ready to move on, go southeast from Circhester to reach Route 9.