After you complete the Turffield Stadium Gym Mission and defeat Gym Leader Milo, you can go east to Route 5.

Explore Route 5
Go east and you will have a double battle with Interviewers Gillian and Cam. They have a level 18 Helioptile and a level 18 Klink. You get 3600 Pokédollars for winning.
The pokémon that you may see in this area are Drifloon, Farfetch'd (Sword only), Minccino, Spritzee (Shield only), Stufful, Swirlix (Sword only), and Wobbuffet. The pokémon that can be found in rustling patches of grass are Applin, Dewpider, Dottler, Espurr, Lombre (Shield only), Nincada, Nuzleaf, Spritzee (Shield only), and Swirlix (Sword only).
Go east from the grass to find a Shed Shell.
If you go southwest from the grass, you find a slope leading down. To the left of the grass there, you find 3 Heal Balls.
South of that, there is a berry tree. If you shake it, you may encounter Skwovet.
Nearby, you can battle Cook Stuart, who has a level 20 Applin. You get 2400 Pokédollars for winning.
In the pond nearby, the pokémon that you can encounter by fishing are Chewtle, Goldeen, and Magikarp.
Southeast of the pond, you can find TM31 Attract behind a rock in the southeast corner.
North of the pond, you find Harrison's Pokémon Camp.
Northwest of the tent, there is a sparkle. Check on it to get 2 Big Mushrooms.
Go east and then north up the slope to battle Pokémon Breeder Debra, who has a level 17 Minccino and a level 19 Steenee. You get 1824 Pokédollars for winning.
Go north and you can battle Pokémon Breeder Adrian, who has a level 17 Stufful, a level 19 Ralts, and a level 18 Cutiefly. You get 1824 Pokédollars for winning.
Go north to find the Pokémon Nursery. In the Nursery, talk to the Pokémon Breeder on the right to get a Toxel, and 5 Exp. Candies XS.
You can talk to the person in front of the Pokémon Nursery to leave up to two pokémon. If the pokémon are compatible, and you walk or ride around for a while, the person in front of the Nursery may eventually fold their arms, which means that they found an egg. Talk to the person to get the egg. If you keep the egg with you in your party and walk or ride around for a while, it will eventually hatch into a new pokémon.
Go outside and go east from the Pokémon Nursery, and there will be a cutscene. You will battle a Team Yell Grunt who has a level 17 Zigzagoon and a level 18 Thievul. You get 1440 Pokédollars for winning.
Then you will battle another Team Yell Grunt, who has a level 18 Sableye. You get 1440 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, you get a Rotom Bike. You can press + or - to get on or off of the bike. If your bike is sparkling with electricity, you can press B to get a temporary speed boost. After you speed boost, it takes a short amount of time for the bike to recharge.
On the bridge, you will see a number of sparkles. Each one is a random type of Feather. These sparkles reappear each day.
To the east, you find Hop. He wants to battle you, so feel free to go to a Pokémon Center to heal up first. When you are ready, go east in Route 5 to reach Hop and battle him. He has a level 18 Wooloo, a level 19 Corvisquire, and a level 21 starter pokémon (if you chose Scorbunny, he has Thwackey; if you chose Grookey, he has Drizzile; if you chose Sobble, he has Raboot). You get 1680 Pokédollars for winning.
Hop gives you a Revive.
There is an Eldegoss floating around the east side of the bridge that you can walk up to, to have a wild pokémon encounter with it.
To the east, you can battle Pokémon Breeder Denise, who has a level 18 Cherubi and a level 19 Woobat. You get 1824 Pokédollars for winning.
To the right of the Pokémon Breeder, there are 3 X Sp. Atks.
North of the Pokémon Breeder, in a clear patch in the grass, check on the sparkle to get an Absorb Bulb.
To the northeast, you can battle Office Worker Gabrielle, who has a level 19 Croagunk. You get 1900 Pokédollars for winning.
Go east and you will reach Hulbury.