After you make it through the semifinals and check on the situation in Rose Tower, you enter Wyndon Stadium for the Champion Cup Finals.

Enter Wyndon Stadium
Approach Hop at the base of the stairs leading up to Wyndon Stadium and there will be a cutscene. Then go into the stadium and talk to the person behind the counter to enter the locker room. If you approach the north door while in the locker room, you will be asked if you are ready. If you are not, you can go down the elevator to prepare. Otherwise, you will head to the pitch. There will be a cutscene.
Gym Leader Bede
Gym Leader Bede has a level 51 Mawile, a level 51 Gardevoir, a level 52 Galarian Rapidash, and a level 53 Hatterene that he Dynamaxes on the first turn. You get 8480 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, you go back to the locker room, where you are free to leave the stadium to heal up and prepare for the Finals if you wish.
When you're ready, go through the north door of the locker room in Wyndon Stadium to begin the Champion Cup Finals.
Round 1: Gym Leader Nessa
Gym Leader Nessa has a level 51 Golisopod, a level 52 Seaking, a level 52 Barraskewda, a level 51 Pelipper, and a level 53 Drednaw that she Dynamaxes at the first turn. You get 8480 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, you go back to the locker room, where you are free to leave the stadium to heal up and prepare for the next round if you wish.
If you are playing Pokémon Sword, you will battle Gym Leader Bea. If you are playing Pokémon Shield, you will battle Gym Leader Allister.
Pokémon Sword Round 2: Gym Leader Bea
Gym Leader Bea has a level 52 Hawlucha, a level 52 Grapploct, a level 53 Sirfetch'd, a level 53 Falinks, and a level 54 Machamp that she Dynamaxes at the first turn. You get 8640 Pokédollars for winning.
Pokémon Shield Round 2: Gym Leader Allister
Gym Leader Allister has a level 52 Dusknoir, a level 52 Chandelure, a level 53 Cursola, a level 53 Polteageist, and a level 54 Gengar that he Dynamaxes at the first turn. You get 8640 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, you go back to the locker room, where you are free to leave the stadium to heal up and prepare for the next round if you wish.
Round 3: Gym Leader Raihan
Gym Leader Raihan has a level 53 Torkoal, a level 54 Goodra, a level 54 Turtonator, a level 54 Flygon, and a level 55 Duraludon that he Dynamaxes at the first turn. You get 8800 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, you go back to the locker room, where you are free to leave the stadium to heal up and prepare if you wish.
When you enter the stadium to face Leon, there will be a cutscene. You will get 3 Max Revives.
After that, you revisit the Slumbering Weald.