After you go through the Galar Mine, you reach Route 4.

Explore Route 4
Talk to the person outside of the mine to heal up your pokémon.
To the north, you will find Molly's Pokémon Camp to the northwest.
East of the camper, there is a berry tree that you can shake to get berries and get a chance to encounter Skwovet.
West of the berry tree, there is a sparkle near some crates. Check on it to get some Energy Powder.
North of that, you can battle Pokémon Breeder Jaime, who has a level 14 Galarian Meowth, a level 14 Seedot, and a level 15 Butterfree. You get 1440 Pokédollars for winning.
Go northeast into the paddock. The pokémon that you may see in this area are Eevee, Electrike, Meowth, Pikachu, Pumpkaboo, and Yamper. The pokémon that can be found in rustling patches of grass are Budew, Cutiefly, Ferroseed, Joltik, Meowth, Milcery, and Wooloo.
Near the gate, you can battle Poké Kid Shane, who has a level 15 Pikachu. You get 720 Pokédollars for winning.
In the northwest part of the southern paddock, there is a sparkle on a rock. Check on it to get an Ether.
East of that, there is a Cleanse Tag.
Southeast of that, there is a sparkle in front of a stone. Check on it to get a Paralyze Heal.
East of that, you find 3 Nest Balls.
In the southeast part of the southern paddock, check on the sparkle to get a Rare Candy.
North of that, check on the sparkle near the bucket to get 2 doses of Energy Powder.
Use the northeast exit of the paddock and you can battle Pokémon Breeder Bradley, who has a level 15 Electrike and a level 15 Lotad. You get 1440 Pokédollars for winning.
Go east and you find some water. The pokémon that you can encounter by fishing here are Chewtle, Goldeen, and Magikarp.
Go south along the water to find a Sharp Beak.
Go west and you can go north to enter the northern paddock. Go to the southwest corner of the northern paddock and check on the sparkle to get a Revival Herb.
North of that, you can battle Poké Kid Mia, who has a level 15 Eevee. You get 720 Pokédollars for winning.
Southeast of the Poké Kid, you can walk up the stone ramp and check on the sparkle to get a Paralyze Heal.
In the east side of the northern paddock, you can battle Poké Kid Rhys, who has a level 14 Joltik and a level 14 Grubbin. You get 672 Pokédollars for winning.
Southeast of Rhys, you find TM07 Pin Missile.
Go west, then south to exit the paddock, and go west. Just south of the gate to the northwest paddock, check on the sparkle near the wheelbarrow to get a Repel.
Go northwest into the paddock and you can battle Poké Kid Sunny, who has a level 15 Milcery. You get 720 Pokédollars for winning.
North of the Poké Kid, check on the sparkle near the crates to get 2 X Accuracies.
In the northwest corner of the paddock, you find a pile of Silver Powder.
Southwest of that, check on the sparkle in the clear space in the grass to find an Energy Root.
Exit the paddock and go north, and there will be a cutscene. Afterward, go north to enter Turffield.