Ukuku Prairie

After you get the Siren Instrument from Bottle Grotto, you get a hint to look in Ukuku Prairie for the next instrument.

(Switch Version) Get a Secret Seashell

If you are playing the Nintendo Switch version, lift the boulders east of the Bottle Grotto entrance and go east, and lift the rocks around the sign to find a Secret Seashell.

New Items and Areas

With the Power Bracelet, you can reach a chest that contains 50 rupees. Go east from the Bottle Grotto entrance and lift the boulders in your way. Continue going east, and go past the first ladder, then go up the second one. Lift the boulders there and enter the cave. Go through it to find a chest that contains 50 rupees.

Go back to Goponga Swamp. You can now reach Crazy Tracy's, a shop southeast of Goponga Swamp. She sells Secret Medicine, which restores you to full health if you die, then disappears from your inventory. She randomly charges either 28 or 42 rupees for it. You can buy more any time.

Now that you have the Power Bracelet, you can get various upgrades in the Mysterious Forest. Go south from the hollow log that is blocked by boulders, and you will see a boulder by itself in a corner. Pick it up to reveal stairs. Go down and sprinkle magic powder into the well. The Mad Batter, also known as Li'l Devil, will appear. He will ask if you are ready for his revenge, but his revenge is actually helpful, so say Yes. He will increase the amount of Magic Powder you can carry. You can come back later for more upgrades when you have obtained new items.

In the Nintendo Switch version, after you exit Li'l Devil's hideout, if you have the shovel, dig in the middle of the flowers to find a Secret Seashell.

You can also get the Piece of Heart that you saw earlier in the Mysterious Forest. Go into the hollow log next to the sign in the Mysterious Forest and follow the path until you see the Piece of Heart. Lift the skulls to reach the Piece of Heart.

In the southwest part of the Mysterious Forest, there is a boulder that you can lift to reach a treasure chest. The chest contains a Secret Seashell.

Give BowWow Back

You can go to Madam MeowMeow's house in the village and go inside to talk to her to return BowWow.

(Game Boy Version) Get a Photo

In the Game Boy Version, if you have talked to the Camera Shop guy east of Goponga Swamp, you can approach BowWow outside of Madam MeowMeow's house to get your picture taken with him.

Optional: Color Dungeon

After you return BowWow, if you are playing the Nintendo Switch version, or if you are playing Link's Awakening DX on a system that can play the game in color, you can go to the optional Color Dungeon. However, it is challenging at this point in the game, so you might want to wait until later.

Buy Bombs

Now that you have completed Bottle Grotto, you can buy bombs from the shop in Mabe Village. They are inexpensive, so it is recommended to buy some now. In the Game Boy Version, you can press the bomb button after placing a bomb to pick up the bomb that you placed.

Get a Secret Seashell

If you got some bombs, go back to Tail Cave, which is south of Mabe Village. There is a room in Tail Cave with a cracked wall. Bomb it and open the chest to get a Secret Seashell.

Get 100 Rupees from the Dream Shrine

North of the shop in Mabe Village, you can lift the boulders to enter the Dream Shrine. Sleep in the bed there, then carefully make your way around the edge, using Spin Attacks to kill the Arm Mimics while avoiding standing on the cracked floor for too long. The Arm Mimics will do a lot of damage if you touch them, so be cautious.

At the end, go up the stairs and open the chest to get 100 rupees. Then go south and down the stairs. There is a green crystal blocking the path to the west, so you will have to go back the way you came to leave the Dream Shrine. You won't be able to get the other chest in the shrine until later.

Buy the Shovel

You will need the shovel for the next part of the game, so if you didn't get it yet, buy it now. Check the Secret Seashells page for Seashells that you can get with the shovel.

Go to Ukuku Prairie

Go east from the shop in the village. A sign will say that you can go east to Ukuku Prairie. Lift the rocks, then go north to find a cave entrance. Go inside and push the uppermost rock to the right, push the one below you upward, then go to the rock below the chest and push it to the left. Open the chest to get 50 rupees.

Leave the cave and go east, then go north up the stairs and lift the boulder. Go north from there until you reach the Witch's Hut. Jump over the holes in the ground and go west, then lift the boulder and go south. Cut the bush, then dig under where it was to get a Secret Seashell. In the Game Boy version, if you have five Secret Seashells, don't collect any more for now. (In the Game Boy version, there is a missable Secret Seashell if you collect more than 5 Seashells before visiting Seashell Mansion.)

Go north up the stairs, then east to where you can see the Witch's Hut. Jump over the holes and go south from the Witch's Hut. Lift the boulder and go down the stairs, then go south. You'll see a warp spot. In the Nintendo Switch version, stand on the warp spot. In the Game Boy version, just seeing the warp spot is enough to activate it.

Find Richard's Villa

Go south from the warp spot. Keep going south and following the path until you reach a house. Go inside and talk to Richard. Agree to bring him the five Golden Leaves.

Reach Kanalet Castle

Go east from the villa and follow the path. When the path splits, go east. When the path splits again, go north. You will find that the castle is closed. In the Game Boy version, if you talked to the Camera Shop guy, you can go up to the closed gate to get a photo.

Visit Seashell Mansion

Go south from the castle until you go east. After you go east, go north up the dirt path. You will reach Seashell Mansion. The more Secret Seashells you gather, the more rewards you can get at the Seashell Mansion. Be sure to go in. Walk to the right until you see a message. If a present appears, take it. If you are playing the Game Boy version, it is now safe to continue collecting Secret Seashells.

Get another Secret Seashell

Go east from Seashell Mansion and cut the bushes to find a secret seashell.

Get into the Castle

Go northeast from Seashell Mansion and you will find a monkey asking for bananas. Give the bananas to the monkey. If you don't have the bananas, get the Yoshi Doll from the Trendy Game in the village, then give it to the mother who lives north of Marin and Tarin to get a ribbon, then give the ribbon to the small Chomp that lives in the dog house of Madam MeowMeow's house to get a can of dog food, then give the can of dog food to Sale, the alligator who lives in a house near the beach. He will give you bananas.

Give the bananas to the monkey, and then some monkeys will come and build a bridge. Go up the bridge and you will find a stick.

From the bridge, keep going north until you find a phone booth. Go west from it and cut the bush to reveal stairs. Go down.

Go west past the Goombas, using the Roc's Feather to jump up the ledge. Go west and jump over the spikes, then jump up to the ladder and climb up.

Get the Gold Leaves

Go east, then south. Kill the Mad Bomber to reveal a Gold Leaf. Take it.

Now go north, west, and south to an area where there is a bird in the tree. Throw a rock at the bird to make it start flying. Defeat it to reveal another Gold Leaf.

Go south again, then east to reach the castle entrance. Go inside.

In the area with the Bubble moving diagonally around the room, kill the two Iron Knuckles and the red Zol to make a Gold Leaf fall from the ceiling. Take it. You can use Magic Powder on the Bubble to get rid of it.

Go north and then east to find a button. Step on it to open the castle gate. This way, you can easily go in and out from the castle.

Go north and then west. Go up the stairs.

Go east and follow the path until you are outside. Go through the door to the right.

Lift the pots. Throw one at the closed door to make it open. If you keep lifting pots, you should find some bombs.

Go north through the door that you threw a pot at, then carefully defeat the Ball and Chain soldier. The soldier will swing the ball and chain more rapidly just before throwing the ball toward you. Approach the soldier to make it spin the ball and chain more rapidly, quickly hit the soldier with your sword, then run out of the way. After you defeat the ball and chain solider, it drops one of the five Gold Leaves.

Leave the room, and lift pots to try to find more bombs. Then when you are outside, go into the door on the left. Follow the path until you are in the room with the Spark going around the walls. There are two Iron Knuckle statues on the wall. Bomb the one on the left to make an actual Iron Knuckle come out. Kill the Iron Knuckle to get a Gold Leaf.

Get Secret Seashells

Before you move on, you can get some Secret Seashells. Go south from the castle entrance until you reach an area with round rocks. Go south and pick up the boulder in that area to get a Secret Seashell.

If you have the shovel, go west from where you got the Secret Seashell and enter the cave there. In the second area of the cave, bomb the west wall and go through the opening. Jump to the stairs and go up. Go west and push the rock into the hole, then jump over the hole and follow the path. When you are in the lower part of the area where you pushed the rock into the hole, push up on the rock to the left of the hole, then push the one right of you to the right, then push the one beneath you up. Then push the upper rock right, the lower rock right, and the middle one up or down. Go south to exit the cave.

Go north to find an owl statue. Dig in the ground around it until you find a Secret Seashell.

Go south and enter the cave, then go east and up the stairs, and jump down to the north and go down the stairs there. Jump over the gap, then go south. When you are outside again, go south until you reach a phone booth. Go east from it and cut the bush to get another Secret Seashell.

Go back into the cave and go north, east, and south to go back outside. Go to Seashell Mansion to get your rewards for 10 Secret Seashells. (In the Game Boy version, there is a missable Secret Seashell if you collect more than 10 Seashells before visiting Seashell Mansion.)

Get a Shovel

As Richard mentioned earlier, you are going to need a shovel. If you didn't get one yet, you can buy one from the Mabe Village shop for 200 rupees.

Find the Key

When you have a shovel, go back to Richard's Villa. Talk to him and he will step aside and tell you to push the box/statue, so push it. You will reveal some stairs. Go down. Be sure that you have purchased a shovel from the shop in town before you continue.

In the underground area, go northwest, being careful to avoid the green Zols that are hiding in the ground. Push the rock up, then jump over the gap and open the chest. It contains a Secret Seashell.

Go back and take the northeast path this time. Go up the stairs. Go west, then south, and go outside.

You will be in a maze. Cut the bushes to reveal holes and solid ground. Make your way south to the edge of the maze, then go counter-clockwise around the edge of the maze until you are able to go west.

You will reach an area with an owl statue. Cut the bush in front of it. You can talk to it and it will tell you that there is something in the dirt where you are standing. Use your shovel on the ground in front of the statue (if you don't have a shovel, you will have to go back to the village and buy one from the shop). When you dig, the Slime Key will come out.

Find the Dungeon

In the Nintendo Switch version, you can pick up the rock to the left of the owl statue and jump over the hole, then go north. In the Game Boy version, you have to go back the way you came, through the maze, through the underground passage, until you reach Richard's villa. Leave the villa and go north from there.

You will reach a place with a keyhole. In the Game Boy version, push on the keyhole to open the dungeon. In the Nintendo Switch version, push A to open the dungeon.

To reach the dungeon entrance, go south, past Richard's villa, until you can go west to the lake. Go south along the lake, then jump across to the small island in the water. Walk west, then jump across the other islands. You can go up the stairs and go west to find a diamond of grass, and you can dig in the middle to get a Secret Seashell. Go east and then down the stairs.

Go west from the stairs to reach the dungeon entrance. This is Key Cavern.