Odd Places - Quest Guide

How to Complete Odd Places

The objective in this quest is to examine a well. Examining a well unlocks a new location in the world map and teleports you there. Each well unlocks a different location.

The wells will only appear after you have completed certain quests:

  • The upper-left well (guarded by an Axebeak) appears after completing Seeking the Stone and transports you to Sant D'alsa Bluff
  • The upper-right well (guarded by a Fire Drake) appears after completing A Request and transports you to Goug
  • The bottom-left well (guarded by an Adamantitan) appears after completing A Request and transports you to Neslowe Passage
  • The bottom-right well (guarded by Bombs) appears after completing Wanted: Sky Pirate Vaan and transports you to Kthili Sands