With the Gravity Suit, you can explore Maridia, where you can find the Space Jump.

Explore Maridia
From the Crateria-Maridia elevator, go down and shoot the first door with five Missiles if you want to use the save room. Then go down from there and open the door on the left. Go through.
Make your way to the left, past the Puyos and Choots, and go through the door there.
This room has quicksand in the middle, and hidden Yapping Maws that will try to pull you in. Don't worry if you don't make it across. If you fall in, try to dodge the Bulls and go to the middle so you can fall to the room below. Whether you got past the quicksand or not, go through the door on the left to reach the next room.
If you didn't fall into the quicksand, go down to the underwater area. Go to the left side of the underwater area and jump up the platforms until you can go to the left again. Shoot the door in the floor with a Super Missile and fall into it. You will go through a tube to a lower area.
Go downward and bomb the floor to open a hole. Go through the door on the left.
The falling sand in this room will push you downward. You might find it helpful to hold the dash button as you go. Go to the left past all of the falling sand and go through the door on the left. In the small tunnel, go through the door on the left. You reach a room with a platform below you. Roll beneath that platform to fall into another room. Shoot the door on the right with five missiles to reach the Map Room.
Leave the map room and go through the door on the left. Make your way to the left through this room, and shoot the light on the gate with a Super Missile to open it. Then go to the left side and fall down through the hole. From there, go through the door on the left and you will be in the glass tunnel underwater. Use a Power Bomb, then start walking to break open the tube. You can go down and shoot the door with five Missiles to reach a save room there. Use it if you wish. After you save, exit the save room.
Go upward from the save room and shoot the door in the ceiling, and go up through it. If you DON'T want to try to get a difficult-to-reach Missile Tank, skip to the next paragraph. If you do want to try to get it, go to the right and shoot five missiles at the door to open it, and go through. Before you proceed into this room, shoot the door on the left to open it, but don't go through yet. Instead, go to the right and shoot a Super Missile at the gate so you have room to do a Speed Boost—just be sure not to go through the door on the right, or you will have to go the long way to return to this room. If you Speed Boost to the left and go through the door to the next room, then crouch just after you go through, or crouch just before you go through the door, you can try to quickly dash to the left until you are standing on the second tall tuft of grass and do a Shinespark upward from there to get a Missile Tank up above.
Jump up the platforms in this room until you have reached the top. Go through the door there. If you DON'T want the Super Missile Tank that you may have seen in the previous room, skip to the next paragraph. If you do want the Super Missile Tank that you may have seen in the previous room, go to the right until you are on a rocky slope. Roll into a ball and go to the right until you start falling, then push to the left until you enter a tunnel in the left wall. It leads to the Super Missile Tank from the previous room. Then roll back out of the tunnel.
Go to the right until you can jump onto a hill. Go to the bottom-right part of the room to find a door in the floor. Shoot it and go through. The only way to damage the Space Pirates in this room is to charge up your beam and then do a spin jump through them. You will have to hit them twice this way to kill them. From the platform beneath the door where you entered, go to the left. (If you fall down below, go through the wall on the left.) When you reach an area with three small platforms, go down to the bottom. Go through the wall on the right to find a door. Shoot it with five Missiles, then go through.
Go to the right to find some baby turtles around a larger turtle shell. Jump onto the large turtle shell and it will spin upward (you will probably take damage first, so jump back onto the shell after you take damage). At the top, jump upward, and shoot the Grappling Beam upward to catch a grapple block. Spin around it to get the Energy Tank. The turtle will spin from left to right, so you can wait for it to reach the middle of the room, then jump onto the shell so it goes upward beneath the grapple block.
Before you leave the room, go to the right side of the room and wait for the turtle to spin to where you are, and jump onto it. At the top, shoot the wall on the right to reveal a Missile Tank, and do a spin jump at it to collect it.
Then go to the bottom-left of the room and go through the door there. Speed Boost to the left to kill the Space Pirate, then go upward, and make your way to the upper-right part of the room, where you can go through the door in the ceiling to return to where you were before.
Jump up onto the hill on the left, then go to the left up the hills to reach the upper-left part of the room.
Use the Grappling Beam to go to the right along the top of this room. Ignore the door in the ceiling above the Grapple Block platform, and continue using the Grappling Beam to go to the right until you reach the upper-right corner. Go through the door there.
Go to the right and jump up the platforms above you. Go through the door at the top. Go to the right and walk through the wall to find a Missile Tank. Then go to the left through the wall. Keep going to the left until you can go up. Go through the door on the left.
In this room, you will be attacked by small eyeball creatures called Menu, which hide in the walls. Go to the left and use a bomb to jump up into the tunnel on the left. Roll through and keep going to the left, and walk through the left wall. At the left side of the room, kill more eyeball creatures, then hold the dash button and jump upward onto the ledge (dashing should give you enough height to reach the ledge). Go through the door on the left.
Zebs come out of the pit near the door, so use them if you need to recharge energy or items. Then go to the left and go down below, but shoot downward to try to kill or freeze the Choot that flies upward at you. There is a hidden, narrow hole in the sand beneath the Choot, in the middle of the rounded pit. Fall down through that hole and take the Super Missile Tank and Missile Tank.
Jump back up through the hidden hole in the sand, and jump up to the top. Go to the right and go through the door.
Go down below, but be careful of the eyeball monsters that attack from the walls. Go through the wall to the right, then roll through the tunnel in the middle. Go to the right and go through the door.
Go down to the bottom of the area, then go to the left and go through the door in the floor.
Go to the left and fall down below, then shoot the middle of the floor and go down to the lower level. Then go to the right and shoot the door with a Super Missile, and go through.
Go down below and use a Power Bomb to break through the blocks in the floor. Go down to the lower level and shoot the door on the left with five missiles to reach a save room. Exit the save room and Speed Boost to the right, then do a Shinespark up through the gap in the ceiling in the right half of the room. Go to the right to get a Missile Tank. There are Pit Blocks to the right, so use either a Power Bomb or the X-Ray Scope to reveal them, and jump over them to get the Super Missile Tank beyond. Then fall through those Pit Blocks. Ignore the door on the right.
Go to the left until you reach the Grapple Blocks in the middle of the room. You can use the Grappling Beam on them to go up to the top of the room. To do so, shoot the Grappling Beam straight ahead at these blocks (i.e. don't aim diagonally), and you will turn around with your feet on the wall. When you are against the wall this way, you can let go of the attack button and you will briefly continue to hold onto the Grapple Block, which allows you to jump upward before you start falling. Then use the Grappling Beam on the ceiling blocks above you, and swing to the left. If there is a Yard (snail) in the way, you can hit it with a Missile to make it fall off. Use the Grappling Beam on the next set of ceiling blocks to reach the upper-left part of the room. Go through the door in the ceiling.
This room contains Mochtroids, which are synthetic Metroids that are weaker than the real thing. They can still drain your energy if they make contact with you. You may wish to press START and then R to go to the Status screen and turn off the Wave Beam to make it less likely that you will free the Mochtroids from the enclosed areas that they are trapped in.
Jump up to the ledge on the right and shoot through the wall on the right. Then walk to the right to fall through the Pit Blocks, then shoot the two walls to the right. Go down below and shoot the wall to the right, then go to the left and shoot the wall there, and go as far to the left as you can go, then Speed Boost to the right to break through the blocks in the way. Jump up to the door and go through.
You can damage Botwoon's head with missiles, super missiles, and charged shots. Botwoon will come out of the upper-left hole first, then will wind around the room and disappear into one of the holes. After that, Botwoon can emerge from any of the holes in the wall. Botwoon will sometimes stick its head out of a hole and spit five blobs of acid at you, which you can try to stay between to avoid them.
Reach the Next Boss
After Botwoon dies, the wall to the right will be destroyed. Collect any health and missiles that Botwoon drops, then go through the door on the right.
Speed Boost to the right to get past the quicksand. Note that if you get pulled too far down by the quicksand, you will end up in an underground room. If this happens, go to the bottom of the area, then go through the door on the left. Then you can go to the left to reach the Grapple Blocks in the middle of the room and go back up them as described above.
You can Speed Boost to the right to get past the quicksand. If you want the Energy Tank from the bricks above the quicksand, go to the left and stand on the brick that sticks out, then roll to the left through the tunnel, using a bomb to go up to the higher part of the tunnel. Roll as far to the left as you can, then use a bomb to go up to the higher part again. Go left and fall down to the lower area, but don't roll to the left or you will fall through a hole and into the quicksand. Instead, use a bomb to launch yourself upward again, and roll to the left to enter the higher part of the tunnel that leads to the Energy Tank on the left. Then roll to the left and keep pushing to the left to avoid falling into the quicksand. Go to the left and then Speed Boost to the right to go past the quicksand, then go through the door on the right.
There are more Mochtroids in this room. You can kill each one instantly with the Grappling Beam. If you want to go to a missile recharge room, you can roll through the tunnel in the bottom-right part of this room and make your way to the right. There are invulnerable Nautilus-like monsters called Oums blocking the way. You will have to use bombs to try to bounce over them. After you get past them, go through the door on the right side of the room to reach the missile recharge room. Then leave the recharge room and shoot the wall to the left, then Speed Boost to the left to get past the barriers. Roll back through the tunnel.
Use the Grappling Beam as described above to make your way up the room, killing the Mochtroids as needed. At the top of the room, go through the door.
Use the Grappling Beam to make your way to the right. The quicksand doesn't take you to another room here, so just jump or use the Grappling Beam to get out if you get stuck in it. Kill the Mochtroids as needed. In the upper-right corner of this room, you can shoot the door with five missiles to find a save room, followed by an energy recharge room. From the door to the save room, go down to the bottom-right corner. Shoot the door with a super missile and go through.
The spikes in the floor are fake and will do no damage, but they hide some holes in the floor. You can go to the right side of the room and shoot the pipe that points to the left to find a Missile Tank. Then go back to the left side of the room and fall onto the fake spikes, then fall through one of the hidden holes behind the spikes to go down below. Kill the Gadora on the door and go through. Go to the bottom of the room.
There are turrets on the walls in this area that you can destroy with missiles or super missiles. They will leave behind an electrified area, which can be helpful during the battle.
Soon after you arrive in the room, some invulnerable Evirs will float from the left to the right, then disappear into the floor. After that, Draygon will swoop into the room from the left. Its belly is vulnerable to missiles, super missiles, and charged shots.
Draygon will sometimes spit white blobs at you. If you get stuck in one, Draygon will try to grab you and hold onto you. You can either press buttons until Draygon lets go, or you can use the Grappling Beam on any of the electrified areas on the walls that you revealed by shooting missiles at the turrets, but this will also drain your health, so this might not be an option if your health is low. If you do use this method, continue to hold the Grappling Beam on the electrified area to continue damaging Draygon.
Get the Space Jump
After the battle, go through the bottom-left door to get the Space Jump. Whenever you do a spin jump now, you can press the jump button again after you have started to descend (but before you reach maximum falling speed) to do another spin jump, and you can repeat this as many times as needed, as long as you don't wait too long to press the jump button again as you fall.
Now that you have the Space Jump, you can reach more upgrades in Maridia.