The Trial of Lake Acuity

After the mysterious events in Hisui unfold, you set out to face one of the trials.

Go to Lake Acuity

From base camp, use Braviary to fly to the guidance marker at Lake Acuity. Approach Volo and your guide.

Enter the Cave

Go into the cave. Approach the Alpha Zoroark and you will battle it. You can defeat it or try to catch it.

Answer the Questions

Approach the pokémon and answer its question.

The answer is 60131

Afterward, you get a key item.

Go Outside

Go outside. If you have completed the other two trials already, there will be a cutscene, leading to the next mission. If you have not finished the other two trials, you can choose to go back to the Ancient Retreat. You will need to do so before going on to the next trial, if you have not yet completed them all.

From the Ancient Retreat, approach your guide to choose the next location to go to.