Below are some graphs that show you the multipliers that you get when using a Heavy Ball on heavy pokémon. The multiplier depends on the catch rate of the pokémon as well as the weight of the heavy pokémon. In a few cases, for very heavy pokémon, you get a better multiplier than even the 8x Level Ball or Love Ball.
For each chart, on the left, you see the modifier that that pokémon gets (so 8 means that the heavy ball is 8x as effective as a regular pokéball, a 5 means that the heavy ball is 5x as effective, etc.) On the bottom are the catch rates, in the range of 3 to 255. Note that when a heavy ball is thrown at any pokémon weighing at least 451.5lbs, it always gives a better than 1x chance of catching the pokémon, but for pokémon with high catch rates (i.e. those who are easy to catch), the improvement is much less.
In short, a heavy ball is best thrown at a hard-to-catch heavy pokémon.
Pokémon that get the +20 modifier
If a pokémon between the weights of 451.5 and 677.3 lbs has a heavy ball thrown at it, the chart below applies.

This chart applies to the following pokémon
- Camerupt 1.13x
- Dragonite 1.4x
- Glalie 1.26x
- Golem 1.4x
- Gyarados 1.4x
- Hariyama 1.1x
- Hippowdon 1.3x
- Lapras 1.4x
- Lugia 7.6x
- Mamoswine 1.4x
- Mantine 1.8x
- Onix 1.4x
- Rayquaza 7.6x
- Rhyperior 1.6x
- Regirock 7.6x
- Registeel 7.6x
Pokémon that get the +30 modifier
If a pokémon between the weights of 677.3 and 903 lbs has a heavy ball thrown at it, the chart below applies.

This chart applies to the following pokémon
- Aggron 1.6x
- Arceus 11x
- Kyogre 7x
- Palkia 2x
- Probopass 1.5x
- Steelix 2.2x
- Torterra 1.6x
- Wailord 1.5x
Pokémon that get the +40 modifier
If a pokémon weighing more than 903 lbs has a heavy ball thrown at it, the chart below applies.

This chart applies to the following pokémon
- Dialga 2.3x
- Giratina 14.3x
- Groudon 9x
- Heatran 14.3x
- Regigigas 14.3x
- Metagross 14.3x
- Snorlax 2.6x