Dungeon 3: Manji

Directions to the Next Dungeon

The next dungeon is in the southern part of the map, three screens west of where you began the game, although you can't get there directly. You have to go north of where you started, then go west three screens, then go south, then east.

To get there from dungeon 2, go south, east, south, then west until you can't go west anymore. From there, go south, cross the bridge and go west, then go west again, then south, then east.

Get a Key

Go west from the entrance and get the key.

Get a Second Key

Go north and kill the Zols to get another key.

Get Some Bombs

Go north. If you already have eight bombs, use one on the middle of the east wall, but before you go through the hole, kill the Darknuts (they are only vulnerable from the side or back). More bombs will appear when all three Darknuts are defeated. If you didn't already use a bomb on the east wall, do so now.

Optional: Get Five Rupees

Go east through the hole that you made in the wall, then kill all the Darknuts to open the east door. Go through. Kill the Keese and Zols in this room to make a Blue Rupee appear. Then go west to the previous room.

Get the Map

You should now be in the room that has a hole in the west wall that you bombed open earlier. Go north from there. Avoid the spike traps and get the Map.

About the Dungeon's Shape

After you get the map, you might be surprised at the shape of the dungeon. This symbol, the Manji, has been in use since at least 200 BC and has long been associated with Buddhism in Japan. It can even be seen on online maps to mark the locations of Buddhist Temples in Japan, as in this area with temples in Ōsaka, Japan from Google Maps.

Get a Third Key

Go south from the room where you got the Map, then go west, then north. Kill the Zols here to get another key.

Get the Compass

Go south, then west, and avoid the spike traps to get the Compass.

Get the Raft

Go west through the locked door, then kill the Darknuts to open the south door. Go through it. You can optionally kill the Darknuts in here to get more bombs. Then go down the stairs. Use the ladders to reach the Raft. You can use this in the overworld at certain docks to go across the water.

Get a Fourth Key

Go back upstairs, then go north twice. Get the key from this room.

Get More Bombs

Go east and kill the Keese to make bombs appear in the middle of the narrow passage. Then exit through the eastern locked door.

Optional: Get Fifth Key

If you want a fifth key, go north through the locked door here, but be careful of the spike traps. (If you don't want the key, go east, then use a bomb in the middle of the east wall, then go through the hole to reach the dungeon boss.) Kill the Zols in the room with the spike traps, then push the block on the left. This will open the north door. Go through it.

The Old Man will ask if you got the sword from the Old Man at the top of the waterfall. If you have been following this walkthrough, then yes, you did. But if not, you can later go and get it if you have five heart containers. The waterfall is in the northern part of the map, slightly east of center.

Anyway, go west from this old man and kill all the Keese to get another key.

Go to the Boss

The dungeon boss is in the middle of the far eastern rooms of this dungeon. If you got the optional key, go east, then south until you are in a room with a bunch of blocks in a backward-C shape. (If you didn't get the key, you should already be in the room with the backward-C blocks.) Go east through the locked door, then use a bomb in the middle of the east wall. Go through the hole to reach the boss.


Manhandla has four mouths, each of which shoots fireballs. You have to kill all four mouths to defeat Manhandla. A bomb will kill a mouth in one shot, and if you're lucky, you can place the bomb such that it will explode in the middle of him, killing all four mouths in one shot. Otherwise, you can use your sword or other weapons to damage the mouths until Manhandla dies.

Take the heart container that Manhandla leaves behind, then go north to get the third Triforce piece.

Now you can go to Dungeon 4: Snake.