Temple of the Ocean King, Fourth Visit

After receiving a clue from Zaus on Zauz's Island, you can return to the Temple of the Ocean King to find a new area.

Temple of the Ocean King 1F

The door is in B6. When you are in 1F, just go north to reach the stairs.

Temple of the Ocean King B1

Two Phantoms will appear, and the Spirits will tell you that they are Swift Phantoms.

Go to the northeast corner of the room, then go west and bomb the rocks on the left. Step on the switch to the left, then go to the northwest corner and get the key. Go to the northeast corner, unlock the door, and go down the stairs.

Temple of the Ocean King B2

There is now a Swift Phantom in this floor. Go southwest of the Phantom that is standing still, and use the boomerang to hit the two crystal switches. This makes the key appear. Then go east and put a bomb on the other side of the cracked wall south of the stairs that you came down. Go through the wall that opens, then go down and step on the switch and use your boomerang to get the key (since the spikes come back up if you step off of the switch).

Go south and then west, and go up across the blue tiles. Go to the right and hit the crystal switch to lower the red blocks. Then go northwest to the locked door, open it, and go down the stairs.

Temple of the Ocean King B3

Go to the southeast of the room and use the shovel to dig up the sand. An air vent appears, so you can float up it to reach the switches on the ground. Step on a switch to make a trap door appear under the Phantom when it is in one of the corners. Then drop down and get the key.

Now that you have the bow and arrows, you might want to go back up to that platform where you stepped on the switch to make the Phantom fall. There is an eye switch to the north that you can hit with an arrow to make a treasure chest appear, but it only appears for a limited time. It contains a Power Gem.

You need to take the Force Gems to the pedestals in the northeast of the room. One Force Gem is in the southeast corner, one is behind the locked door near the southwest corner, and one is in the northwest corner.

There are a couple of gold pots that you can use to add time to your hourglass. One is in the northeast corner behind some cracked blocks that you can bomb, and one is against the north wall near the northwest corner.

After putting all three Force Gems in place, go north through the door that opened.

This room is safe, so your hourglass won't count down while you are here. Go to the left to find a gold pot that adds 30 seconds to the hourglass, then go to the northeast corner and go down the stairs.

Temple of the Ocean King B4

Go to the northeast corner of the room and shoot the eye switch to turn off all of the gusts of wind. Then go to the enclosed area in the middle of the left side of the room and bomb the south wall. Go inside and hit the crystal switch to lower the spikes where the key is. Go get the key, then go to the middle of the southern part of this area and unlock the door there. Go down the stairs beyond the door.

Temple of the Ocean King B5

There is an eye switch to the right. If you hit it, the nearby spikes go away. Go east from there to get a gold pot that restores 30 seconds to the hourglass. Then go west, then north. The door will lock, and some bubbles will attack. Use the boomerang on them, then kill them with your sword. This will open the two doors in this area and open the path to the gold pot on the left, which restores 15 seconds to the hourglass.

Go east to a room where you have to defeat Moldorms. Kill them all, and the doors will open, and you can also reach a gold pot on the right that restores another 15 seconds to the hourglass.

Go north from this room, then use the boomerang to hit the crystal switch in the northeast corner. This reveals a treasure chest that contains 100 rupees, and it also turns off the gust of air.

Go west. You can't reach the northwest corner, so just go down the stairs.

Temple of the Ocean King B6

Go to the big red door in the middle of the southern part of this area. Step on the switch to stop the wind that blocks the path. Tap the door, then draw the Triforce symbol without lifting the stylus. Here is one way to do it:

     / \
    /   \
  / \   / \
 /   \ /   \

After the door opens, go through. Talk to the skeleton to make a yellow light appear. You can enter the light to leave the temple, then if you step in the yellow light at the entrance, you will return here with the same amount of time on your hourglass as when you left.

Dig the dirt near the skeleton to go up onto the ledge, then use the boomerang to break the pots on the right. The ones on the right contain arrows.

When you are ready, tap the door in the back of the room and go down the stairs.

Temple of the Ocean King B7

Step on the moving block, then when it goes left, step on the block above you. Face the left side so that you can block the arrows with your shield. When the block stops, walk onto the block on the left. From here, you can walk onto the safe area and use your boomerang to hit the gold pot to the right, giving you 30 more seconds.

Then wait for the moving block to reappear, and walk across it to the left, onto the blue floor. The floor will make a sound when you walk quickly on it, so go slowly if there is a Phantom nearby. Go to the safe area in the northwest corner. From there, go south to the stairs in the southwest corner, and go down.

Temple of the Ocean King B8

Go west, then north, and hit the red pot to create a small safe area. Wait for the slow Phantom to go to the right, then go north to the safe area in the northwest corner. You can get 30 seconds for your hourglass there.

If you watch the map, you will see that a red Phantom walks across the gap in the middle of the area. There is an invisible bridge here, so make a note of where the red Phantom walks, then walk across it yourself when the coast is clear.

Be warned that the safe area in the middle of the right wall is actually a trap door.

Go up the stairs in the southeast part of the room.

Temple of the Ocean King B7, part 2

There is a Phantom in the southeast corner. You can use the bow and arrow to shoot the Phantom in the back, then run to the southeast corner and hit the crystal switch. This lowers the flames near the middle of the room. If you go there quickly enough, you can walk onto the moving platform, which takes you up to a safe area. Just be sure to time it correctly so the moving platform will be there when you go there, and the Swift Phantom won't be coming toward you. After riding the moving platform and reaching the safe area at the end, go west, and open the chest to get the round crystal.

Take the crystal east to the safe area, then go southeast, and make your way back to the stairs in the southeast corner of the area. While holding the crystal, you will always walk too slowly to make a sound on the blue floors, so go at top speed while carrying the crystal. If a Phantom takes the round crystal, shoot the Phantom in the back to make it drop the crystal.

Go down the stairs with the crystal.

Temple of the Ocean King B8, part 2

Go west across the invisible bridge, and carefully take the round crystal to the pedestal in the northwest part of the room.

The spikes will lower. Step on the switch to make an air vent turn on. Go down to the air vent and step in it to reach a gold pot to add 30 seconds to the hourglass. Then go down the stairs near the switch that you stepped on.

Temple of the Ocean King B9

Open the nearby chest to get the triangle crystal. You can't go any farther, so take the crystal upstairs.

Temple of the Ocean King B8, part 3

Take the crystal east across the invisible bridge. Make your way to the northeast corner of the room and drop the triangle in the safe area there. Then go to the west and bomb the blocks to reveal the triangle pedestal. There is a safe zone under the block that you bombed, so stand there when the Phantom comes back. After that, go east to get the triangle crystal and take it west to the pedestal. The spikes down below will disappear, so go there when it is safe to do so. Hit the crystal switch to open the door that was blocking the stairs.

To get the treasure chest that appeared, go north from the triangle pedestal, then west along the blue floor, then go straight south to reach the chest. It contains a Courage Gem.

Then make your way to the door that opened and go downstairs.

Temple of the Ocean King B9, part 2

There are invisible Wizzrobes in this room. You can see them as skulls on the map. If you are not in a safe area, and you turn your back on the Wizzrobes, they will fly toward you.

Use the boomerang to kill the Wizzrobe in the northeast corner. You might get 30 seconds added to the hourglass.

Go to the southeast corner of the area and kill the invisible Wizzrobe there, then go to the left and hit the arrow shooter with the boomerang, then shoot an arrow at it. The spikes will lower in the southwest area.

Go to the safe area near the middle of the room and bomb the barrier that is blocking the way. From the safe area, wait for the Phantom to walk by, then shoot it in the back and take the crystal that it was holding. Keep an eye on the Wizzrobes, since they can follow you when you are not in a safe area. When you have the crystal, put it in a safe area.

If you kill all of the Wizzrobes on this floor, a chest appears. It contains a Wisdom Gem.

You can step on the switch in the middle of the southern area to make a trap door open (you have to hit the eye switch to the right to lower the spikes). This allows you to get rid of the Phantom. Once you get rid of it, a chest appears in the southwest corner that contains a ship part.

Now put the square crystal in the pedestal in the northwest part of the room (not the central part where there are three pedestals) to remove the flames. Go up the northwest stairs.

Temple of the Ocean King B8, part 4

Take the round crystal, then go south and walk onto the air vent to go up onto the wall. Walk north on the wall to reach the stairs that you just came up. Take the round crystal down there.

Temple of the Ocean King B9, part 3

Go to the north middle of the area and put the round crystal in the pedestal there. Then go to the northeast of the room and go up the stairs. Take the triangle crystal and come back downstairs with it, then take the triangle to the north middle area and put it in the triangle pedestal.

Finally, go to the northwest area and get the square crystal, and put it into the final pedestal in the north middle of the area. Go through the door that opens.

This is a safe area, so the hourglass won't count down here. The skeleton tells you an alternate order to put the crystals: square, circle, triangle. Go to the north part of the room and open the chest to get the Southeastern Sea Chart.

Now you can either go farther into the temple by putting the crystals into the pedestals in the order that the skeleton said, or you can just step into the blue light to leave the temple.