Daqo Chisay Shrine Guide: The Whole Picture

A guide on how to find and complete the Daqo Chisay shrine and solve the "The Whole Picture" puzzle.

How to Reach the Shrine

From the Kay Noh Shrine, go southwest through the desert to find Gerudo Town. This shrine is next to the eastern corner of Gerudo Town.

How to Solve the Shrine

Go to the left side of the room and use Magnesis to put the metallic barrel near the end of the long green wire. Then put the large cube on the green wire that lit up when you put the barrel in place. This opens a gate where you can get a second barrel.

Move the first barrel to the end of the shorter wire that comes from the central power source. Then put the second barrel on the end of the green wire that lit up when you put the first barrel in place. Then move the large cube onto the end of the green wire that lit up when you put the second barrel in place. This opens a gate where you can get a treasure chest. It contains a Thunderblade.

Take a barrel to the other side of the room and put it on the end of the short green wire that is coming from the central power source. Go get the other barrel and put it on the end of the green wire that lit up when you put the first barrel in place. Then use Magnesis on the treasure chest (see previous paragraph if you don't have it) and put the treasure chest on the end of the green wire that lit up when you put the second barrel in place. Finally, put the big cube on the end of the green wire that lit up when you put the treasure chest in place. This opens a gate where you can get a second metal cube.

Put the metal cubes on the wires beside the stairs that lead up to the bars between you and Daqo Chisay. This will open the gate, so go through and get the Spirit Orb from Daqo Chisay.