Dampé wants to create an automaton that can swallow any monster, and the acorn man has something that could help.

Where to Start the Quest
Complete the quest Explosions Galore!, then read the "Endless Stomach" entry in Dampé's journal to start the quest.
How to Complete the Quest
Find the acorn man and ask for a clamp. He appears west of Hyrule Castle after you complete "Still Missing", for example. He tells you to go to the wasteland west of Hyrule Field. You can go to the area southwest of Kakariko Village and north of Gerudo Desert to find an area west of Hyrule Field with no grass. On a raised platform you will find another acorn man. Ask him about a clamp. Then play Acorn Gathering and complete it in 40 seconds or less to get the steel trap. It helps to switch to swordfighter form so you can jump higher, or equip the Frog Pin if you have it (obtained in Hyrule Castle after you pass through Stilled Hyrule Castle Town). To get the acorn on the highest ledge, try to create a column of water blocks (just create water blocks in the same location until you run out of triangles), then get in the water and hold B to go to the surface, and reach the final acorn.
After you get the steel trap, create a Bio Deku Baba echoon the platform in Dampé's Studio, then talk to Dampé, say you need an automaton, ask for "Endless Stomach", and give him the Steel Trap.
Quest Reward
You get the High-Teku Baba from Dampé.