Shadowgate is a point-and-click adventure game, originally released in 1987 for Apple Macintosh. This is step-by-step guide to exploring Castle Shadowgate and finding the relics needed to defeat the Warlock Lord.
Go Inside
OPEN the skull above the door. TAKE the KEY 1 that was behind the skull. OPEN the door. MOVE through the door.
After the evil wizard speaks, TAKE the two torches. (In the MS-DOS version, click your burning torch and click Operate and then click an unlit torch to light it.) USE KEY 1 on the wooden door. MOVE through the door.
Get Armed
OPEN the book. TAKE the KEY 2. TAKE the two torches. Notice that one of them is listed on its own line as TORCH.
MOVE back to the previous room. USE the KEY 2 on the locked closet on the right side. MOVE into the closet. TAKE the SWORD and the SLING.
Gather Items
Go back to the room with the book. MOVE through the northeast exit. Then OPEN the three doors, and MOVE through the east door.
OPEN the door and MOVE through it, then TAKE the STONEs on the ground. Then MOVE behind the waterfall (it doesn't appear in the MOVE map, so you have to touch the small gap to the left of the waterfall).
HIT the stone in the wall. OPEN the BAG 1 and TAKE the BLUE GEM, RED GEM, AND WHITEGEM.
Go back to the room with three doors. MOVE through the west door. TAKE the TORCHes. USE the WHITEGEM on the hole to the right of the door. TAKE the SPHERE. OPEN the door in the wall. MOVE through the door.
TAKE the SHIELD. Then TAKE the HAMMER (it looks like an axe). TAKE the SPEAR. TAKE the TORCH.
Go back to the room with the three doors. MOVE through the east door.
USE the SPHERE on the lake. TAKE the KEY 3 from the skeleton. USE a lit torch on the lake (not on the sphere), then TAKE the SPHERE.
Go back to the room with three doors. Then MOVE through the door behind you.
You should be in the room with the book that had a key in it. OPEN the pale stone in the far wall, then MOVE through the northwest exit.
TAKE the ARROW. USE the TORCH on the left. MOVE through the door on the left.
MOVE across the bridge on the left.
USE a lit torch on the TORCH that is on a line by itself in your GOODS list. TAKE the two TORCHes and the CLOAK. OPEN the wooden door. MOVE through the wooden door.
OPEN the hidden door in the far wall and MOVE through it. USE the BLUE GEM in the hole in the floor. TAKE the SCROLL 2 and OPEN it. You will learn the HUMANA spell.
Go back to the previous room. LOOK at the "EPOR" sign on the wall. LOOK at it again. You will learn the EPOR spell. TAKE the TORCH from the wall. TAKE the SCROLL 1, BOTTLE 1, and BOTTLE 2 from the shelf. OPEN the SCROLL 1. The spells are at the bottom of your GOODS list. SPEAK the EPOR spell and the rope will rise. MOVE up the rope.
TAKE the BROOM and the two TORCHes.
Ignore the mirrors and MOVE through the door behind you.
OPEN the bottom-right coffin. USE a lit torch on the mummy. TAKE the SCEPTER.
Go Deeper Into the Castle
MOVE through the northwest door, to the hall of mirrors. USE the HAMMER on the middle mirror. USE the KEY 3 on the door. USE the CLOAK on yourSELF. MOVE through the door. USE the SPHERE on the fire. OPEN the far door and MOVE through it.
Try to MOVE across the bridge and a troll will appear. USE the SPEAR on the troll, then MOVE through the door at the end of the bridge.
USE a STONE in the SLING, then USE the SLING on the cyclops. Then USE the SWORD on the cyclops to kill it. USE the crank of the well. OPEN the bucket. TAKE the GAUNTLET. OPEN the door behind the cyclops and MOVE through it.
Gather the Staff Parts
TAKE the TORCH. MOVE through the lower-left door. TAKE the MAP from the wall. TAKE the SKULL from the shelf. OPEN the desk drawer and TAKE the SCROLL 3, SCROLL 4, KEY 5, AND GLASSES. OPEN the SCROLL 3 to learn the TERRAKK spell. OPEN the SCROLL 4 to learn the ILLUMINA spell. USE the GLASSES on yourSELF and OPEN the book on the desk. You learn the MOTARI spell. USE the RED GEM on the slot in the wall. MOVE through the door that opens.
TAKE the BELLOWS. SPEAK the TERRAKK spell, then OPEN the globe. TAKE the KEY 6.
Go back to the hallway with the four doors. MOVE through the upper-left door. TAKE the HRSESHOE, and TAKE everything from the shelves. USE the strange stone in the floor and TAKE the WATER.
MOVE through the door in the far wall.
USE the GAUNTLET on yourSELF, then TAKE the FLUTE from the fountain. USE the FLUTE. TAKE the RING.
Go back to the hallway with the four doors. OPEN the far door and MOVE through it. USE a lit torch on the rug and TAKE the KEY 4. TAKE the MIRROR from the wall.
USE the KEY 4 in the lower door. USE the KEY 5 in the upper-right door. USE the KEY 6 in the upper-left door.
MOVE through the upper-right door. Notice that there are markings on the stairs in this room. Remember these, because they are a hint.
Try to MOVE past the Sphinx and it will ask a riddle. Here are the riddles and how to answer them:
- I'm a fire's friend, my body swells with wind. With my nose I blow, how the embers glow. (USE the BELLOWS)
- Long neck, no hands, 100 legs, cannot stand. Born of a forest nest, Against a wall I rest. (USE the BROOM)
- First burnt and beaten, drowned and pierced with nails, then stepped on by long-faced animals. (USE the HRSESHOE)
- It has towns, but no houses. Forests, but no trees. Rivers, but no fish. (USE the MAP)
- You look at me, I look back, your right hand raises, I my left. You speak, but I in vain. (USE the MIRROR)
- I've no eyes, but once did see, thoughts had I, but now I'm white, and empty. (USE the SKULL)
If you use a wrong item, the Sphinx will warp you somewhere else. If BELLOWS is the correct answer, you will be warped to the study where you got the Glasses. If BROOM is the correct answer, you will be warped to the troll bridge. If HRSESHOE is the correct answer, you will be warped to the kennel. If MAP is the correct answer, you will be warped to the globe room. If MIRROR is the correct answer, you will be warped to the coffin room. If SKULL is the correct answer, you will be warped to the red carped room outside the study and kennel.
After you answer the Sphinx's riddle correctly, MOVE up the stairs behind the Sphinx.
TAKE the STAR from the map on the wall. OPEN the map and TAKE the ROD.
MOVE up the ladder. USE the ARROW on the woman. TAKE the BLADE from beside the wolf.
Go back to the banquet hall and MOVE through the upper-left door. Try to TAKE the HORN and a hellhound will appear. USE the WATER on the hellhound. TAKE the HORN. MOVE up the LADDER.
USE the STAR on the Wyvern. TAKE the TALISMAN.
Go back to the banquet hall. MOVE through the lower door. TAKE the TORCHes. Then MOVE through the door on the left. USE the ROD on the hole in the wall. TAKE the WAND from the hand. MOVE down the stairs on the left.
OPEN the BAG 3 (on the left) and TAKE the BIG COIN and the GOLDCOINs.
Go back two rooms and MOVE through the door behind you. Keep going through the doors behind you until you are in the hall of mirrors. Go down the hole in the floor. Then go through the doors behind you until you are in the room with the two bridges. USE a BOTTLE 2 on yourSELF, then cross the wooden bridge. USE the WAND on the snake, then TAKE the STAFF.
Go back to the room with the bridges and cross the stone bridge. Go through the north door and MOVE up the rope. MOVE through the door, and keep going north until you reach the troll bridge. Try to MOVE across the bridge, then SPEAK the HUMANA spell to go past. Continue going north until you are back in the banquet hall. MOVE through the lower door. Then MOVE through the door on the right. USE the SCEPTER on the skeleton. USE the RING on the hole the appeared. MOVE down the hole that appeared.
TAKE the four TORCHes and then MOVE through the hole straight ahead. MOVE through the door to the right of the gargoyles.
SPEAK the MOTARI spell. MOVE through the door in the far wall.
Note: The clue for this room is on the stairs in the Sphinx room. USE the lever on the right. USE the middle lever. USE the lever on the right. The cylinder will open. TAKE the ORB from the cylinder. MOVE through the door behind you.
Defeat the Warlock Lord
SPEAK the ILLUMINA spell to blind the gargoyles, then MOVE through the door between the gargoyles.
OPEN the well. USE the BIG COIN in the well. MOVE down the well.
USE the mallet on the gong. USE a GOLDCOIN on the ferryman, then MOVE onto the raft.
USE the TALISMAN on the hole on the left. USE the HORN. Then MOVE through the skull gate.
USE the BLADE on the STAFF, then use the ORB on the STAFF. Then USE the STAFF on the Behemoth monster. Congratulations! You won!