Transmission Received Achievement Guide

A guide to unlocking the Transmission Received achievement in Portal.

You find your first radio in Test Chamber 00, near the sleeping pod where you are awakened.

Get the Steam Version of the Game

The Transmission Received achievement is exclusive to the Steam version of Portal, so if you want to unlock this achievement, make sure to play the Steam version of the game.

Beat the Game

Before you can unlock the Transmission Received achievement, you have to beat the game at least once.

Move the Radios

To unlock the achievement, you have to find the radio in each chamber and move it to a specific location to make the red light on the radio turn green. The radio will play a Slow-scan television signal or a Morse code signal.

List of Radio Locations and Destinations

ChamberRadio LocationRadio Destination
Test Chamber 00 The radio is located on the small table next to the toilet in the relaxation cell. Take the radio to the big red button and hold it over the button.
Test Chamber 01 The radio is located on top of the security camera. Take the radio toward the chamber lock that leads to the elevator.
Test Chamber 02 The radio is located on a ledge to the left of the window. Use a portal to reach it. Take the radio to the location where the Portal Gun was before you took it.
Test Chamber 03 The radio is above the security camera near the elevator. Create a blue portal high up on the wall corner across from the orange portal, then take the radio through the portal to turn the light green.
Test Chamber 04 The radio is in the pit where you get a weighted storage cube. Take the radio near the elevator where you entered this test chamber.
Test Chamber 05 The radio is on the other side of the chamber lock, which you open by placing cubes on the two red buttons in the room. Before you go through the chamber lock, shoot a portal on the floor beneath the radio to make it fall through the orange portal, then make a blue portal on a wall nearby and go through it to get the radio. (If you go through the chamber lock, it will shut behind you.) Take the radio into the pit where one of the cubes was.
Test Chamber 06 The radio is on the edge of the piece of ceiling that the High Energy Pellet machine is attached to. Before you get the radio, you should send the High Energy Pellet into the containment machine by placing a blue portal on the ceiling where the orange light is shining on the ceiling. After the pellet is safely contained, make a blue portal at an angle on the ceiling so that the edge of the portal is above the radio. Then if you approach the orange portal carefully, you should be able to pick up the radio without having to fall through the portal. Take the radio near the translucent platform that lowered when you made the High Energy Pellet go into the containment machine.
Test Chamber 07 The radio is underneath the stairs that lead down from the elevator where you entered this test chamber. Look under the stairs and make a blue portal on the wall under the stairs, then go through the orange portal in the floor to reach it. Take the radio to the ledge with the exit door.
Test Chamber 08 The radio is under the Unstationary Scaffold. Before you can reach it, use portals to send the High Energy Pellet into the containment machine. Then place a blue portal on a nearby wall and go through it. Then make a blue portal on the wall near the radio, and carefully step toward the orange portal until you can pick up the radio. Put a blue portal on a wall near where you entered the room, and take the radio through. It will turn green near the test chamber sign.
Test Chamber 09 The radio is in a small window above the Incandescent Particle Field. You can try to make a portal on a nearby wall, walk through it, then make a portal on the ceiling above the radio and fall through, grabbing the radio as you fall. However, you need to be careful not to let the radio hit the particle field, or it will be destroyed, and you will need to load the last saved game to make it appear again. Another method is to try to knock the radio off of the ledge with a cube, or put a cube on the floor near the radio and jump onto it to reach the radio. Take the radio onto the raised platform where the orange portal is, then shoot through the small window to make a portal in the room beyond the particle field. Drop the radio through the portal into that room.
Test Chamber 10 The radio is on a ledge after you go through the second chamber lock. To get it, make a blue portal on the lower part of the wall above the door where you entered the room, near the left wall (the wall with the radio on it). Then fall into the orange portal in the pit. Try to take the radio as you fly past. Take the radio down into the pit, near the orange portal, to make it turn green.
Test Chamber 11 The radio is on a ledge near the particle containment device. After you go through the portal to the area with the red button, you can make a portal on the wall to the left of the radio. Wait for the rotating portal gun to create a portal in your area, then carefully go part way through the blue portal and take the radio. Take the radio with you as you proceed through the room, and take it to the rotating portal gun.
Test Chamber 12 The radio is on a metallic cylinder behind the piece of wall across from the ledge with the big red button on it. To reach it, you need to reach the top part of the room, where there is a tube that dispenses cubes, and try to slowly drop off the edge to land on the piece of wall below you. From there, you can drop onto the metallic cylinder and reach the radio. Take the radio to the ledge with the big red button, and move it near the wall under the pieces of wall that are sticking out.
Test Chamber 13 The radio is on a ledge in the second part of the chamber, which you reach after you put a cube on the red button in the first part of the chamber. To get the radio, put a portal on the ceiling above the radio, and a portal of the other color on a wall or floor. Go through and take the radio as you fall. Alternatively, you can activate the Unstationary Scaffold, then fall onto the scaffold and jump up onto the cube, and take the radio as you go past. Look back at the door that opened when you put a cube on the red button in the first part of the chamber, and create a portal beyond that door. Create a portal of the other color nearby, then take the radio through it, get on the upper ledge if you aren't there already, and take the radio near the window near the ceiling.
Test Chamber 14 The radio is on a ledge to the right of the hallway with the elevator from the previous test chamber. To get this radio, it is best to do so before you get the cube from the area at the top of the stairs. Make a portal on the floor in front of the radio, then go up the stairs to make the stairs disappear. Then make a portal of the other color on the floor of the pit, and fall through it. Try to take the radio as you go past it. After you put the cube on the red button, take the radio to the platform between the two rising and falling scaffolds above the poison pit.
Test Chamber 15 The radio is on the metallic cylinder behind the piece of wall that sticks out above the first part of the Test Chamber. Create a portal on the ceiling above it, and a portal of the other color on a wall or floor nearby. Go through the portal and you will either land on the metallic cylinder where you can take the radio, or you will knock the radio to the floor as you fall through. Take the radio back toward the entrance elevator.
Test Chamber 15, radio 2 There is a radio in the glass-walled enclosure with the pellet containment machine in it. You may want to practice by putting a portal on the floor in front of the door of the glass-walled enclosure, then get on an unstationary scaffold, and when it reaches the top, jump off (press the jump button) and make a portal of the other color on the floor to fall through. When you come out of the portal in front of the glass-walled enclosure, move toward the door of the enclosure and you will land on the edge. Now you need to do this after you press the two buttons that open the two doors of the glass-walled enclosure. Start by making a portal near each of the two buttons in the rooms that the unstationary scaffolds go up to. After you press the two buttons, quickly make a portal on the floor in front of the glass-walled enclosure, and another portal on the floor nearby that you can jump into (remember to press the jump button so you have more momentum). Go through and get the radio.
Test Chamber 16 There is a radio in a room with several stacked cubes, after you disable two side-by-side-turrets. The room is safe from the remaining turrets, so just go in and take it. Take the radio back to the crawlspace and bring it in front of the wall with the drawings and words written on it.
Test Chamber 17 There is a radio beneath the third platform, which you can raise by holding the companion cube between you and the pellet shooter in the small side room, which will make the pellet bounce into the nearby pellet containment machine on the wall. Put the radio in front of the incinerator.
Test Chamber 18 There is a radio just beyond the poison pit at the start of the room, in a side room that you have to crouch to enter. First, leave the radio on the floor for now, and reach the next ledge by putting a portal on the ceiling above the ledge and putting a portal of the other color on the wall above the next poison pit. Experiment with the positioning of the wall portal until you can jump straight into it without sliding against the wall on the way down (which will likely make you drop the radio). You can just jump back down to the ledge with the radio when you are ready, and take the radio through the wall portal. After you and the radio are on the ledge, look for the floor symbol with the two dots, and make a portal on the ceiling above where that symbol is. Then make a portal of the other color on the floor nearby and hold the radio such that you can crouch to hold the radio in the floor portal without dropping it (or you can just drop it through, or fall through while holding the radio).
Test Chamber 18, radio 2 There is a radio in a room with four turrets. It is on top of the small room that has the pellet containment machine in it. Make a portal on the floor next to that room, then go over to the side of the ledge that has a piece of floor down below. Make a portal of the other color on that piece of floor and fall into it, and you will fly upward above the room. Move onto the ceiling of the room to find the radio. Take the radio to the area with the small red button on the far side of the room (not the small red button that opens the small room with the pellet containment machine in it). Put the radio in the middle of the area that the short flights of steps lead down to.
Test Chamber 18, radio 3 This radio is after the door that you open by putting a cube on the big red button. It is in a deep pit to the left of the hallway that you emerge from after you go through that door. You can make a portal beneath the radio and a portal of the other color on a nearby wall to make it come to you. You might need to adjust the position of the portal beneath the radio to make it come through. After you have reached the area with the particle field and exit elevator, use portals to retrieve the radio. Take the radio to the middle of the area with the particle field and exit elevator.
Test Chamber 19 When the platform is taking you down into the fire, look to the left to see the radio against the wall. Reach safety, then put a portal near you and a portal of the other color behind the radio. Carefully go partway through the portal nearby and grab the radio, then quickly go backward to escape the heat. Use portals to take the radio with you until you reach the area with a large poison pit and a metal walkway going over the middle of the pit. Use momentum to reach that walkway, then enter the office at one end of the walkway. Go to the other side of the office and open the door there, which allows you to reach the area where you left the radio. Take the radio to the middle of this office area.
Test Chamber 19, radio 2 After you see a "Loading" message, just before the area with five pistons, there are some stairs at the end of a short hallway. Go beneath the stairs and make a portal on the wall beyond the fence, and a portal of the other color nearby. Go through, and go toward the end of the hallway until you see a small vent off to the side. Crouch to crawl through it, and you will find the radio behind the metallic cylinder. When you find two vertical pistons side-by-side that are hitting a low ledge, make a portal on either of the two dark marks that the pistons are hitting. Then look up above the ledge that the two vertical pistons are hitting. You should see a wall up above that you can put a portal on. Make a portal on that wall, then take the radio through the portal and place it on the middle of the platform that you landed on.
Test Chamber 19, radio 3 After you disable the three turrets in the pit that you are dropped into, look in the third turret's room. It has a claw hanging from the ceiling. Look up above that claw and you will see a red arrow on the wall. Look where it is pointing to see a wall that you can put a portal on. Put a portal there, then a portal of the other color that you can walk through, to reach that area. There is a blinking turret that doesn't shoot at you, and the radio is on a table nearby. Take the radio with you and you will reach an area with a red exit sign on the wall. It points to a hole in the floor with a turret in it. Disable that turret and take the radio into the area beyond the hatch that opens afterward. Look for the "over here" sign on the wall and put the radio into the crawlspace next to that sign.
Test Chamber 19, radio 4 In the pit of slippery sludge, with turret doors on the walls above, there is a radio on top of one of the drains in the sludge pit. After you reach the walkway far up above the large room with the many doors to turret rooms, look for the nearby door and go through to see a square hole in the floor. Put a portal on the floor near that square hole, then go down and get the radio and go through a portal of the other color to reach the area with the square hole. Put the radio near the two green generators.