The Sirensong Sea - Dungeon Guide

The Misery is pulled off course and it is up to you find whatever is responsible and deal with it.

How to Unlock

The Sirensong Sea 4-player dungeon unlocked by the level 61 Main Scenario Quest Not without Incident.

Arrive at Spae Rock

After the Banshees die, walk south along the prow of the ship to reach the next area.


Lugat sometimes uses Amorphous Applause, which hits the entire area in front of it. Quickly get behind it to avoid the attack.

Lugat will cast Hydroball, placing a stack marker on a random player. The other players should stack together with the marked player to reduce the damage.

Lugat will pull all players toward it with Sea Swallows All, which is followed by four circle attack markers around the platform that cast Concussive Oscillation. Move to a safe area away from the attack markers.

Lugat sometimes casts Overtow, knocking all players to the edge of the area. Knockback-prevention moves do not prevent Overtow. This is followed by the Hydroball stack marker. All players should stack together with the marked player and go near the boss, because this will be followed by Amorphous Applause.

The Governor

Shadowflow creates dark cone attack markers around the area and a dark circle attack marker around the boss. Move off of these attack markers to avoid them.

Bloodburst damages all players.

Enter Night marks a random player with a red marker above their head. The player is pulled toward the boss and tethered with a darkness tether. You can use a knockback-prevention move such as Surecast or Arm's Length to avoid being pulled toward the boss. The tethered player should run as far away from the boss as they can, as soon as possible, or they will be hit repeatedly with stacking Magic Vulnerability Up status until they run far enough away from the boss to break the tether.

Shadowsplit creates untargetable Groveller enemies that move to random locations. Each Groveller will create a dark circle attack marker beneath itself, and the boss will also cast Shadowflow, creating cone attack markers around the area, so quickly find a safe spot that isn't covered by an attack marker.


Virgin Tears creates persistent puddles on the floor. Later on, this also creates a persistent unsafe ring at the edge of the area. The puddles inflict a Bleeding status until you walk off of them.

Virgin Tears is followed by Morbid Advance or Morbid Retreat. If she casts Morbid Advance, you will be forced to walk forward for a while. If she casts Morbid Retreat, you will be forced to turn around and walk the opposite direction of where you were facing. You will start walking as soon as the boss finishes casting Morbid Advance or Morbid Retreat. Be careful to face a direction that will prevent you from walking through a puddle. Spellcasters should keep in mind that casting a spell will cause you to face the boss, which may turn you in an unfavorable direction. Later in the battle, you will also need to stand far enough away from the outer ring to avoid walking into it.

Somber Melody damages all players.

The boss will sometimes cast Void Water III, a large circle attack centered on a player. Quickly move out of this if you are targeted by it.

Completing the Quest

Defeating Lorelei will complete one of the quest objectives for the Main Scenario Quest Not without Incident.